[43] A message for you

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Megumi pov

I attacked with my tanto slash after slash making her stagger back as she did her best to block my attacks but even with two kunai knives she was too slow to keep up. I nickered her cheek, her shoulders, some of her hair, her thigh and she barely realizes. I lowered my stance attacking from below and knocking one of her kunai out of her hand making her flinch and cry out in shock.

While she hesitated I went in for the kill. My eyes shifted to the right and mid way I changed my stance to block the katana of the boy. He grinned at he pushed me back and away from her.

"Hi." I rolled my eyes deflecting his attack. He jumped back standing in front of his teammate and protecting her while she leaned on a tree trunk for support. "I'm your opponent now." his chakra was strong, it was jounin level and he looked like he'd make a great jounin it's just...

"Where was this attitude when you left your teammate in the forest of death?" he shivered a frown on his face and the scent of frustration leaving him

"We didn't have a choice okay! There was nothing we could do and we needed to pass the exam. Even if it's only one of us." 

"Is that the mindset you're going with to be a jounin? Don't you know most jounins become sensei? Is this what you'd teach your team if assigned one? That it's okay to abandon a teammate when they're too weak to defeat an opponent on their own? There's a reason you were placed in team of 3!" I dashed towards the boy meeting him halfway.

His katana and my tanto clashed, sparks flying with every hit. He'd truly make a great ninja however my morals just weren't working with him and it made me want to kick is ass for thinking this way. I don't care if  he passes or not I just want to kick his and her ass first. Understandably not everyone will share my point of view but that doesn't mean I won't beat them for abandoning their teammate, and in front of me no less.

We kept on even footing, I was faster but his reaction time was on par with me. I was smaller than him too and he used that to his advantage. I swung right, he blocked, I swung down he blocked too. I faked going left when I was actually planning to swung upwards and this son of a - used his foot to block me!

This allowed him to kick me away also. I went rolling stopping when my body hit a tree root. I stood both of us panting and bleeding. He was grinning though

"No one...no one has ever kept up with me for this long!" he laughed shifting from foot to foot. I hummed 

"Me neither, at least not in a long time..." Itachi briefly flashed through my mind. "We should finish this, ne?" his smile turned into a grin.

"Shall we?" the wind blew creating a dramatic pause between us before we sped toward the other. I met him first, jumping to gain some height advantage. He blocked staggering back slightly. I took advantage of how his eyes left me for a moment to watch his footing.

I quickly summoned my second tanto and switched my fighting style to push him back. The sped of which I attacked increased and I added chakra to the soles of my feet as well as my blades. The teen before me did his best to keep up but he was slowly getting overpowered. I got a some hits on his cheek, arm, and foot. 

One of my hits broke his katana stunning him. As he stared wide eyed at his broke katana handle I threw one of my tanto's at him. The moment he saw it he moved to dodge, the blade scraping the bridge of his nose, my chakra covered fist connecting with his left cheek a second later sending him face first into the dirt. 

"How strong you are. I hope you pass." he lifted his head ready to attack. I didn't let him throwing a senbon in a pressure point that stilled his movements. I slammed my fist into his face again with stronger force enough to knock him out cold this time.

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