[58] Run F/Towards

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Megumi pov

After my 'chat' with Kabuto and Orochimaru I quickly left their hideout. I refused to stay there any longer. If I had...I'd have bought Sasuke back.

Now I was back in Konoha on top the Hokage faces, laying on top of Hashirama. My mind was a swirl of nothing and everything. I didn't know what to do with myself.

On one end I understood why Sasuke felt like he wasn't growing and that he was lagging behind. I understood why he went to that shitty snake...on the other I want to bring him back. Break more of that snake's bones and ruin Kabuto's face some more but...I gave him a time. And I made a promise.

I sighed looking to the side at tou-san's face.

"Ah... Oji-san..outou-san...what am I supposed to do?" Honestly I don't know who I'm speaking to. On one end I think Sarutobi might have an answer for me, but it may not be what I want to hear.

On the other Minato would listen and ask me back, he seemed like a great listener when he was alive. Then there's Hashirama who might have Naruto's mindset right now too. I know better than to ask my great uncle for advice he might want to leave Sasuke with that snake.

"Look at me contemplating how anyone of you can give me answers...and I still have none myself..." I sighed once before before I lifted myself off the floor. "Let's go see Naruto..." As the wind blew throwing my hair behind me I started out at the village a fleeting thought crossing my mind.

I wonder...what would have happened to this village of I had actually left with Naruto when I was younger?

With no answer for that I proceeded to step of the monument letting gravity take me. As the Hokage tower got closer I formed a single symbol with one hand, and like the wind I was gone. Right before I touched the steps too.

I reappeared besides Naruto instantly earning a scream from the pervy sannin that was apparently in the room also. I growled glaring at him for the unnecessarily loud reaction.

"What's that reaction you toad? You've been in war you shouldn't be surprised by sudden appearances anymore." Jiraiya huffed

"As if anyone wouldn't be surprised by you coming out of thin air!"

"Tou-san did it alot though."

"I never got used to him doing it either!" I snorted.

"Aneki..." I looked over seeing Naruto looking at me as if I was about to punish him or something "How's Sasuke...?"

"You did quite a number on your brother, Naruto. He'll be fine though, he's recovering as well." His shoulders lost their tension and he slumped forward. I chuckled "Worried huh?"

"Mm. I should have brought him back...but since I can't change that now I promise to bring him back one day! So believe in me aneki!"

"Will never doubt you." Naruto gave me his sun rivalling smile eyes glossy as if he was about to cry.

Why are these boys doubting my love for them these days? Ah, seriously! I huffed.

"On that note, Megumi. Seeing as you're written as Naruto's guardian I'm telling you that as soon as he's discharged I'll be taking Naruto out from the village to train for about two and a half years."

"Ha?" My aura darkened "Are you telling me or asking permission?"

"Asking permission!" Naruto jumped up "We're asking permission aneki, dattebayo! S,So... Can I got with pervy sannin to train. I have to get stronger too in order to bring Sasuke back, ya know!" I hummed

"Sure. You can go Ruru."

"YATTA!!" Naruto jumped into my arms giving me a koala hug and kissing my cheeks. "You're the best onee-san!" I laughed.

"You dork." I hugged him back.
"Who's the one giving you guys permission to grow this fast?" Naruto giggled hugging me tighter.


"So you're leaving tomorrow?" Now out of the hospital Naruto and I were packing up his things for him to take. I honestly only came to spend the night but then I found him packing more ramen cups and packs than actual clothes, tools and the like.

This boy I swear...

"Mhm!"  Naruto nodded a wide grin on his face.

"Well, I won't be there to see you off, so I'll say it now. Be safe ne?" I patted his hair softly.

"Eh? Nanda? You won't see me off?" Naruto looked up at me, confusion shining bright in his blue eyes.

"Gomen, Tsunade wants me in her office to take on an ANBU mission first thing at 5 o'clock in the morning." I sighed.

"Wah... Weren't you doing the chuunin exams!? But you got promoted to AMBU instead? That's awesome, dattebayo!" He looked at me like the first time I cooked for him. With stars of amazement in his eyes.

"Hahaha, you think everything I do is awesome or cool, don't you Ruru?"

"Of course I do. You're strong, and smart, and can cook, and fight, and have some really awesome moves! And you love me!! I have the best most awesome aneki in the world! And I'll fight everyone on that!! Teme won't admit it but he thought so too." The seriousness in his voice had me tearing up.

"Oh~ my Ruru you're gonna make me cry with those sweet words!" I gushed pulling him into a back hug and squashing him.

"Ah! Nee-san! I have to finish packing!" I laughed

"Let me smother you in my love so you won't forget it! You're leaving me for two years ya know!" I rubbed our cheeks together making Naruto groan. Yet as always, he never pushes me away. Only whines and complains.

Once I was satisfied enough I released him just for him to spin and pull me back into a hug. This time he was the one holding tightly to me.

"I'll get stronger, I promise. So strong that you'll never have to block a hit or protect me again. When I get back I'll be strong enough to protect you!" He looked up at me "So until then, stay safe! Keep those weird looking boys away from you. Keep track of the teme for me"

"Weird boys? What are you talking about Naruto?"

"Ah! I wasn't - ignore what I said but ignore them too!" I laughed. He's all over the place.

"Come on let me cook you some homemade ramen as your last dinner with me for a while."

"Oohh! Food! It has been a while since you made food dattebayo!"

"Then I'll make enough for the first few days."



Third pov

That night, much to his neighbours annoyance, Naruto's cheers and laughter rang out. And at 10, if anyone would have looked into his house you'd find the blonde haired boy snuggled closely in the arms of his silver haired guardian and sister.

Come sunrise when Naruto awoke, like she said, Megumi was gone. She left breakfast on the table for him and even a little note and mini clone to shower him in kisses.

He loved it but he really wanted to say goodbye to her in person. Call him selfish but he wished her mission would start after he left.

Gathering his things placed on the couch for him Naruto got ready and headed out the door. He met Jiraiya by the gates and the two headed off.

Meanwhile, standing on top the gates stood four people in various masks.

"Zen we shouldn't keep Sensei waiting."

"Mhm." The wind rustled the leaves off the branches.

"See you later, Naruto..." A leaf landed on his hair and he looked up, eyes landing on the gate. Sadly there was no one where.

"Don't worry brat. Two years will go by so fast you'd feel like it's only yesterday you didn't see her." Naruto huffed.

"I didn't say anything..."

"Your face did."

With that Naruto left the Hidden leaf his goals to return his brother and become the strongest ninja set in stone.

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