[42] Underestimate me. It's fun.

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Megumi pov

Everyone quickly split into their teams or the like as we entered the forest. While running I kept my senses high because I knew from the moment we entered those of us coming in as single persons instead of a 3 man team, or 2 in some cases will be the first targets to take out.

Point in case. Right now.

The two members of a team was behind me and the other in front. I don't think they realize that just because its the dead of night, they won't be heard. Or are they being loud on purpose?

"That brat will be an easy catch."

"She survived up until now, we shouldn't underestimate her."

"Please. The others only lost cause they took wrong turns, or got trapped by nature. She got lucky." I smirked.

It's times like this that I am grateful for my enhanced hearing, that and they're not even trying to hide their voices. Masking their chakra is pointless if this is how they spy on others.

I turned the corner by a thick tree dropping down. I used the few seconds I got from the shade and cover of the night and giant leaves. I kept my pace now running on the ground. The one in front of me finally dropped down to cut me off from running forward.

"You are by yourself!" he grinned "You know I recall you bragging earlier that you're going to be the one doing the killing." his grin widened as his teammates landed behind me

"All talk until the actual thing huh?" I smirked whipping out two kunai

"Let's find out shall we?" I jumped back, spun on my heel and sped off to the most unguarded one. They lifted their hands blocking their face assuming from my position that was where I'd be aiming. Well, they were wrong.

I aimed for their shoulder making them cry loudly. Keeping up with the momentum I was given I twisted the kunai along with my body kicking the other one in his face in a way that would guarantee a broken nose. Both boys were now yelling in pain as they rolled around on the floor one clutching his shoulder, the other his nose. 

The moment I turned around a kunai was stabbed into my stomach. I gripped onto the hand that held it looking at the older boy in front of me.

"You are fast, but not fast enough." my shocked expression changed into a smirk

"Says you." I puffed away 

"A clone?! But- when?!" appearing behind the boy I held a kunai to his throat making him still

"Since you chose to look away." I pressed harder "Ah, ah, I wouldn't move if I were you. See I left little presents on your friends and the moment you move to attack is the moment they blow up."

"You wouldn't..."

"Oh so you want to find out?" I placed my hand in the sign to release making the boy gasp and causing his heart rate to pick up.

"NO!" I smirked looking into his eyes 

"Too bad." his teammates exploded in front of him sending him into shock as their blood splattered in him, and only him since I used him as a shield over myself. He dropped to his knees tears streaming down his eyes "Fun right?" I smirked down at him before I knocked him out with one drop kick to his head.

Now for the other two... 

I looked over seeing the one which a broken nose up and ready to start fighting again. He was glaring heatedly at me before he came at me with a battle cry. We engaged in hand to hand using kunai in between but we both knocked the other's own away so we continued basic hand-to-hand. At some point the other one managed to get up and was throwing earth jutsus at me as well as the water jutsus the other one was managing to make.

Until he made the mistake of using the hidden mist jutsu. Smirking I 'disappeared' completely off both boys radar. I masked my chakra, lowered my breathing and did my best to erase my presence from them. I was on top a tree branch eyes seeing them easily from where I was plus...

"I don't see her!"

"Neither do I. T, Think she ran off?" these idiots weren't quiet. I formed a sign and the next moment a clone of myself stood before them hunched over and panting with the stab wound their friend gave me. 

"Ready to give up?" they asked getting into a stance I smirked. Got them. The two boys before me screamed hands flying to their head before they dropped passing out on the floor. I jumped off the tree looking at the team unconscious from shock.

"I really do like genjutsu, makes missions so much easier...sometimes." I made another hand sign and the roots shot up off the ground quickly shifting and wrapping around the three unconscious boys. I struggled a little and almost broke but finished creating a coffin out of wood right before my chakra broke from the jutsu. I bent over panting heavily.

I wasn't out of chakra yet but using any wood related jutsu drained me more than I'd like. It was taxing and my chakra often broke from it for reasons I have yet to find. It sometimes even knocks me out. I swear I need to work on my wood release so much more. But at least I managed to do what I wanted. Taking another minute to regain myself I quickly slapped two seals onto the coffin so if they wake up they'd instantly be placed under genjutsu and the next was to hide their chakra until in the morning. 

With that done I quickly bolted and tried to find myself a place to rest for the night. I was tired and I wanted to make sure I was fully awake when and if I got the chance to run into the two idiots that left their friend behind. I quickly found a place I could crash and set both genjutsu and traps around me so I can sleep. I can be a light sleeper when needed so if the traps ever go off I would be awake immediately.

I closed my eyes and with the same speed it opened. The sun was out and someone was making a fuss about their teammate being an idiot. 

I swear sleep goes by too fast when you're on missions. Oh, the exam should now be starting for Ruru, Sasu and the others. Aw I wanted to wish them luck. I yawned keeping my hiding spot to see how long it'd take the two to get out of the wood trap I- hold on....one, two... oh I see. Kami sama is on my side today.

I grinned. Not making a sound and keeping my presence low I stalked behind the girl of the group. I climbed the tree slightly sticking to its side and pulling my tanto out, watching it catch the light ensure the two saw it right before I placed the blade by her throat

"Why didn't you just leave him behind you're rather good at it no?" I spoke making them still

"What are you talking about we didn't-"

"Ah. It would do you no good to lie to me."

"You're that cocky brat from the before!" the boy sneered at me and I smirked 

"Cocky? No. Confident? Better. But I don't want to hear anything from the likes you. Leaving your teammate behind cause you're afraid of giant insects, tch. Cowards." the girl caught me off guard when she elbowed me in my nose and spun with a kunai at hand to try and slice me. 

I dropped from where I stood on the tree trunk, jumping onto a branch as well. I rubbed my nose eyes not leaving hers.

"Even if we did leave him behind he was the weakest one anyway! I can take you on myself. You'll lose here and now! Then we'll see who the weak ones really are!" she declared as she got into another stance ready to fight.

"Yeah kick her ass!" I smirked cracking my nose back in place and wiping the blood onto my sleeves.

"Challenge accepted." I chakra jumped towards her.

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