[32] To the Land of Waves

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Third pov

"ASSUMMAAA!!!" A scream echoed around the village and in one of the training grounds the said man who's name got yelled, froze.

"Eh? Sensei, was someone calling you?" Ino asked pausing her mind training.

"Hide...I need to hide..." Asuma was frantic his body standing ridged as he looked left to right trying to hide.

"Sensei...there's someone speeding towards you." Shikamaru pointed out sighing.

"And they're coming fast." Choji added munching a bit fast on his chips, excited to see the outcome of whatever was about to happen.

Asuma turned to see what his students meant only to be kicked in his chest and sent flying to the tree on the opposite side of the training ground.

"Dumbass! You great, big dumbass!! I'm never helping you again, ji-san!!" Stood before team 8 was Megumi eye twitching hair in a mess and chakra oozing from her feet so she could have placed extra power behind her kick to send her uncle flying.

"Ano...what did I do...?" Asuma wheezed out.

"What did you do? What did you do?! Oh I don't know....how about friendzone Kurenai- obaa-san!?" Asuma shot up at this pointing at Megumi accusingly.

"That was not my fault!"

"Ha? Not your fault?! It totally was!" Megumi pointed back, irk marks on her forehead increasing and growing in numbers "I found the perfect mission you two can go on together and with your skill set you should have completed it early. This would have given you extra time to relax and spend time together but instead of enjoying it you made it awkward and uncomfortable!!" Now Asuma turned to face the tree a new cigarette in his mouth that he lit.

"I panicked." He exclaimed calmly only for Megumi's fist to rain down on his forehead

"You panicked?!"

"Ite! Megumi! I'm older than you and I practically raised you show some respect!"

"As if I would to someone who panicked in front of the woman he likes so he friend zones her!"

"Gomen ne! Let it go and help me fix it already!!" Asuma huffed breathing smoke out his nose.

"Nope! No! Absolutely not!" Megumi folded her arms leaning her weight onto one leg "I want to see you struggle to get Kurenai-obaa for the time being before I help you."

"Tch. I saw that one coming." Asuma sighed closing his eyes as he pulled his cigarette from his mouth and breathed out the smoke. "Well since you're here, want to meet my team?"

"Sure." The two walked back to the three gennin who was baffled and hell of a lot confused at the situation, but Shikamaru seemed to have half of it figured out.

"Team, meet Megumi Hatake. Megumi, Choji Akamichi. Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka." Asuma pointed to each kid as he introduced them.

"Nice to meet the kids that are stealing away my ji-sans' time from me." Megumi smiled earning sweat drops from them. "Oh! That's a new bag of chips that came out! How does it taste Choji-kun?"

"Mm...not bad. Has a sour kind of taste. I like it." Megumi nodded as if listening to a teacher speak.

"Wait...I've seen you before! You're that girl that's around my Sasuke-kun!!" Ino pointed yelling with wide eyes

"Eh? Your Sasuke-kun?" Megumi glanced at the blonde turning her head to face her.

"Yeah! You're that girl who's being sneaky and always trying to get close to Sasuke-kun! I saw you hug him and he didn't push you off!" The blonde pointed accusingly.

"Hey just so you know! Just cause you hugged Sasuke-kun and he didn't push you off means nothing! He's my Sasuke-kun and I'll be his bride in the future and you don't stand a chance..." Ino's voice softened on her last word, eyes finally opened and looking directly into the silver blue eyes of Megumi who seemed to be staring right into her soul.

"Oi Ino..." Shikamaru sweat dropped seeing the amusement on Megumi's face, he wasn't sure it was a good thing.

"You? His bride? Haha. I don't recall Sasuke telling me of any girl he likes, nor do I recall him bringing anyone for me to meet." Megumi hummed staring down at the blonde making her shiver

"What... what's that supposed to mean?!"

"Just as I said. If and when Sasuke gets a girlfriend that's his choice but she'll have to go through me and if I deem her not worthy of Sasuke or the honor of wearing the Uchiha name. She's not getting to marry him."

"Huh? What right do you have to do that?!" Ino shrieked entirely confused.

"Oh I have every right to do that." Megumi looked into the sky to see a summoning hawk "Ah. I have to leave. Well it was nice meeting you all!" She smiled down at the three before her body turned to fully face Ino. "Remember, I'm watching." Giggling her body suddenly turned to stone and crumbled.

"Ahh! Sensei who is that crazy girl claiming my Sasuke-kun as hers?!" Ino raged

"His aneki." Asuma blew out smoke amused and Ino blanched "And as someone the head of, and the entirely of the Uchiha clan once acknowledged, she has every right to refuse your marriage with Sasuke." He chuckled. Megumi just made his day.

"Ah, looks like you've already lost your chances with him. Angering his aneki like that. Openly claiming he's yours... troublesome woman..." Shikamaru sighed shaking his head.

"Wahhh!!!!" Ino screamed "What have I done?!" She wailed rolling about on the ground.


"I was called? Oh, Ruru! Sasu!" Megumi smiled at her brothers who turned to face her, Naruto shooting up to his feet from where he sat on the floor.

"Nee-chan!" He grinned rushing over to jump on her only for Kakashi to grab him by the collar, stopping him.

"Ah I'm invisible I see." Kakashi turned sulking as he looked towards the window of the room. Megumi smiled walking to him and hugging him around his waist.

"Hehe, hi aniki!" She grinned up at him.

"Hm? Your fangs grew." Kakashi pointed out lowering his head to examine them more

"They did? Hadn't noticed." Megumi hummed passing her tongue over her fangs.

"Um...who is she, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura pointed.

"What's that smell?" Megumi scrunched up her face hands going to cover up her nose "Smells like drunk old man. It burns..." her eyes watered slightly as she didn't realize she was standing right beside the person who the scent belonged to.

"Ah? You brought another brat?!" The old man spoke gulping down his drink messily. Megumi turned stepping back from him as she now knew where the scent emitted and wanted no part in it.

"Not to worry. Megumi-chan is a chunin, and with myself as a jounin there's nothing for you to worry about, ne? It's just protection from robbers and thieves after all." Kakashi gave an eye smile.

The old man grumbled looking away from the ninja, scowling and grimacing at his protection squad. He didn't notice but Megumi was staring him down with very calculating eyes.

"Meet at the front gates within an hour. Make sure to pack what you need." Kakashi instructed and the gennins in the room were dismissed along with their client.

"What rank mission is this?" Megumi asked

"C rank." The third answered earning a hum "Nani? Do you suspect something?"

"It's a theory. I'm sure it could be me over analyzing the old man but, he's not telling us something." She bit her nails trying to decide whether or not she should be thinking of this.

"Don't overthink it too much. If anything he'll tell us once we leave the village. Come on, let's go pack." Kakashi ruffled his imotou's hair.


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