[47] Meet Ero-sannin, aneki!

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I'm skipping the rest of the 2nd exam and the prelims. 

All Megumi did was watch the team even when Kabuto came to finish the forest exam with them, she only kept the large bugs and animals from eating them. Then she informed Kakashi of Sasuke's mark and what she saw before she was given orders by the 3rd to leave and rest. So she didn't watch any of the fights only got an exaggerated recount from Naruto since Sasuke's asleep at the hospital.

Okay? Okay!


Megumi pov

I raised an eyebrow staring into Neji's soul as he refused to meet my eyes. He was training using it as an excuse to not talk to me. When he paused to catch his breath I could see him sweating extra as he used his every willpower not to look at me.

"How long do you think you can avoid me?" I asked "Mm. I say you have 5 minutes again before I move of my own accord and put you on your ass." I was not very happy with the Hyuuga currently and he knew that. Still he took a sip of water and went back to training. I clicked my tongue. 

Looks like I'm going to him then. With his back to me I quickly ran forward and kicked Neji to the floor. He picked himself up as easily as I expected him to with a glare on his face. But his glare could never outmatch mine. Points to him for trying though.

"What were you thinking?! Aiming for her heart? You wanted her dead?!" Neji's glare deepened and he scowled but he said nothing "Answer me! Exam or not if you had killed her that seal would have killed you!" he flinched at that.

"I was only proving to her how weak she was!" he finally snapped back. 

"Hinata is anything but weak!"

"How would you know?! You're not part of the Hyuuga clan! Which by the way, you have yet to explain how you got your eyes!"

"I don't want to be part of your clan if its still stuck in it's old ways! I would get in trouble for disobedience beating them all down. And again, Hinata is not weak! She struggles to prove herself and her worth everyday and everyone berating her isn't helping!! Why don't you be the aniki she sees you as and help train her, you'd be surprised."

"I will not! And don't you avoid answering me!" it was my turn to huff and look away.

"I'm not trying to avoid the answer its just... I would rather you not look at me different if you found out the truth..." I frowned cooling off and sighing "You'll probably be disgusted with me."

"Did you steal a Hyuuga's eyes?" I deadpanned that's the first thing he asks me seriously?

"Oh Kami! No!!"

"Then I'm all ears." Neji sat in front of me. I rolled my eyes but felt a bit better at revealing the truth. it's not like I wasn't allowed to. I just knew it was better for everyone not to know. Most ANBU knows because I was born as an expriment from Orochimaru. Something could go wrong at any time. In the past anyway, they stopped seeing me as such and now I am just the 4th Hokage's goddaughter, the daughter of the white fang, sister of the copycat ninja, and Zen, an unofficial ANBU worth 3 million in the bingo book.

"You know how babies are born?" it was Neji's turn to deadpan at me "Don't look at me like that teme! Anyway, do you or not?!"

"I do."

"Well I wasn't born that way. I wasn't born at all actually, I was created. Inside a lab in a tube."


"Hmhm. 15 years ago the 4th Hokage and the old man stopped his student's illegal experiments.  He was tampering with genes from people he gathered, both alive and dead and trying to replicate a certain cell in their body. He was trying to make artificial life... He succeeded, but he was found and everything was shut down."

"Then how are you here?"

"Because I survived. All the other lives in the tubes died but I survived. That and according to what I was told I already developed into that of a baby. Still jiji held off on reviving me in hopes I'd die before knowing what pain was incase I came out with a deformity or other problems because the blood that was in my system was so different it was hard to mix. Hatake, Hyuuga and Senju. All powerful bloodlines in their own right fighting to be the main one. That should have killed me. But...I was stubborn back then too, so the 4th placed me in the care of healing medics and scientist. Their success is why I can kick you for being an idiot and terrible family to Hinata." I smiled at the end trying to lighten the mood.

"I've only read up on one person who was banished that could possibly do that..."

"Hai. The sannin, Orochimaru. Met him recently, He's a snake. In both ways." Neji chuckled 

"So...you're a test tube baby." I burst into laughter clutching my sides as I tipped over to the side

"You have a sense of humor after all! Hehe, yeah...yeah I'm a test tube baby..." Neji rolled his eyes

"I don't see what the big deal of how you came to be was. You're still you, you're still Hatake Megumi. So you have powerful blood running through you, it just makes my respect for you increase. Cause you now have the power, arsenal and skills to back them up. That being said..." Neji stood and got into a fighting stance a smirk on his face "Fight me." I giggled again getting rid coming down from my laughing fit. 

I hopped onto my feet, lowering my stance and sending one foot behind the other as I too took a battle stance. I smirked 

"Come at me then." Neji struck first.


"Who did you say you wanted me to meet Ruru?"

"He says he a powerful guy but nee-chan, listen he's an ero-sannin so be careful. I only want you to meet him to see if what he says is true cause, I think he's telling the truth but his actions make me doubt him. Then again...he does have a super cool looking frog!"

"I get it, but why are we meeting behind a waterfall?"

"Oh this is where he's going to train me! Awesome right! By the end of this Sasuke teme will worship me, dattebayo!! Ehehehehe!" I smiled. "Oh there he is!" Naruto ran ahead stopping short of the man whose face was in a bush.


"Now...I'm going to teach you a technique.."

"THIS WAY! FACE ME YOU ERO-SANNIN!!"  Naruto yelled. I'm forever thankful that I got used to his tone or I'd be deaf by now. It's thanks to Naruto I can handle loud sounds that can disorient me better  on missions. "Are you really serious about training me? Cause if you are hurry up and teach me!!" Finally the man turned and my eyebrows shot up.

Oh wow...tou-san's sensei...

"Before that, you remember what we spoke about yesterday? The two kinds of chakra? You know the one you said was yellow chakra and red chakra?" I quickly understood what he was going for 

"Huh? Yeah"

"You said you felt powerful while using it right? Then try to release that red chakra right now!"

"Alright... if you say so... I'll give it a try." Naruto got into a stance and closed his eyes he concentrated for a moment then stopped.


"No it's just my regular chakra."

"Jeez, You've got no talent." I walked over to the two 

"I won't say he has no talent, I'd say he has to focus more."

"Well that is true...wait!" the white haired man spun to face me with wide eyes and pointing at me "Who the hell are you?!"

"Oh! Ero-sannin, I told you I was bringing someone first right?! Well aneki, this is Ero-sannin!" Naruto bounced up to me as the sannin seemed to pause 

"Aneki? I don't recall Minato having a daughter though..." I smiled hearing his mumbled thoughts

"No, but he did mention a goddaughter." he gasped slowly standing to his feet.

"So you're that child?" I smiled 

"Hai...I am that child. Hello, Jiraiya-san."

"Hatake Megumi..."

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