[13] Uchihas

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Third pov

"Tou-san. I have a request." Itachi stood staring up at his father, Uchiha Fugaku, waiting for him to be acknowledged.

"Hm? What is your request?" Fugaku turned to look down at his soon to be, oldest son.

"I wish to watch over Kakashi senpai's imotou for the day." Fugaku blinked, face blank but mind confused at the strange request that was brought to him.


"So I can practice on her. I want to be able to hold Sasuke when he comes." Itachi paused looking away from his father "I also think, she's rather interesting." He admitted.

Fugaku hummed thinking it over for a bit. Not seeing the harm he nodded his approval for Itachi.

"You may do as you please. However, I am not in charge of Kakashi's imotou. You will have to ask Kakashi for permission. Understand?"

"Hai. Arigatou." Itachi bowed then left a bit in a rush, out of the house.


"Senapi.." Itachi called for the ANBU standing opposite him. Although Itachi wasn't an ANBU, he knew how to find the teenager most times, and they were training together.

"Hai?" Well, they were supposed to be training. Instead, Kakashi had climbed up the tree and proceeded to lay on it not doing anything.

"Will you let me watch Megumi-chan for a day?" Kakashi hummed looking down at the young Uchiha heir.

"Nanda? Do you have a reason?"

"Hn...I wish to be able to hold her, as practice so I would be able to hold Sasuke when he arrives. Your imotou is also quite interesting." Kakashi chuckled rolling himself off the tree but landing safely on his feet.

He stood walking towards Itachi. He stopped amusement in his one grey eye.

"Alright. Tomorrow you can watch her, she should remember you from her birthday but in case, let's introduce you again today." Itachi nodded and the two left the training field.


Kakashi, now free for the day took Megumi from his sensei and he, accompanied by Itachi, left the Hokage tower. The moment Megumi saw Itachi she stared at him. Both boys noticed but said nothing, Itachi assumed she stared because she forgot who he was. Kakashi was amused by the faces Megumi was making while staring ever so intensely at Itachi.

"Anii! Hmm...oha Koto, Hachi!" Megumi exclaimed pointing at Itachi.

"She can already talk?" Itachi was surprised babies only begin to talk around 15 months or older.

"Mhm. Since she was eight months. Her words are getting better at least." Kakashi nodded.

"I see...also, who's oha Koto and Hachi?" As soon as Itachi said that Megumi pointed at him again.

"Oha Koto, Hachi!!" She stated so firmly that it was adorable. Kakashi chuckled finally putting the words together.

"Ah, she means Mikoto-san and you."

"Oh? So she remembers me?"

"Hai. Mikoto-san did tell her your name was Hachi when she got it wrong." Kakashi chuckled.

"She's spent time with Megumi-chan hasn't she?" Itachi deadpanned.

"Hai, she's used Megumi as a means to practice with Sasuke-kun, although she definitely doesn't need it." Kakashi chuckled "I was the one who got advice in the end." Itachi smiled softly. His mother truly is a wonderful, beautiful woman.

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