[15] Terrors at night

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Third pov

Kakashi sat in a field next to the KIA stone. He has been there for ten minutes now, sitting and staring at two names. He sighed possibly for the sixth time in two minutes.

"Obito...Rin.." he mumbled "Maa...this is still hard..." his head dropped as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm the pain in his heart.

Still, it lingered and he hesitated. Why was he here at six in the morning? Why did he suddenly get the urge to leave? Why does he feel so.. so... terrified?

"Obito, Rin... I barely visited you guys since Gummi's birthday, I have a good reason though. See, now that she's a bit older she moves around a lot now she also grabs things too. Ah, yesterday I caught her with my shuriken and she threw it at me.. I've faced S ranked ninjas countless times and yet my one year old imotou scares me more than they ever could...." Kakashi chuckled looking towards the sky before his expression dropped.

"Something is going to happen...I know it.. and I feel so helpless. Like, I won't be able to stop any of it. I have a mission today, it's a simple retrieval one and I should be back by tonight but...I don't want to leave the village at all." Kakashi sighed.

"Aa, I should go. The faster I leave the faster I return." With that, he stood bowing toward the stone one more time before he quickly set off home.

Upon entering his home the clone he left behind puffed away, giving him all the memories of what transpired the half-hour he was gone. Nothing much happened besides Megumi getting a bath and her having already eaten. Checking up on her Kakashi saw she was once again sound asleep while holding the panda stuffed animal in a vice grip.

He smiled walking over to her crib where he gently played with her short silver locks. Kakashi leaned forward pulling his mask down and pressing a light kiss to her forehead.

"I'll be back later. Kurenai will watch over you today. Be good Gummi." He whispered.

Kakashi quickly got himself ready creating another clone to watch over Megumi until Kurenai appeared. And with a blink of an eye he was gone.


"Mei-chan, time for a bath!" Kurenai stated only to have Megumi run away from her.

Laughing she happily chased after the one-year-old, purposely missing catching her a few times before she caught Megumi and the two rolled around on the floor laughter filled the house.

"Got you! Right, let's have you all clean for when Kakashi comes home, yeah?"

"Mm!!" Megumi nodded smiling.

"Yosh! Let's go!"

Kurenai lifted Megumi up and the two went to have a bath together. They, mainly Kurenai, talked about the most random of things. How soft their hair was, how smooth the skin was how adorable Megumi was, how she'd kill a boy if he broke her heart. How Megumi should forget she said that and think of Kakashi coming home instead.

Needless to say, Kurenai got Megumi to laugh despite her knowing absolutely nothing of what Kurenai meant besides her hair and Kakashi coming home.  Afterward, the two got out and dressed in time for Kakashi to open the door and come home.

"Are you a mind reader?" Kurenai inquired staring at the taller teen.


"Or is it that we summoned you without knowing?" She faced him a suspicious look in her eyes.

"Uh..ano...what are you talking about Kurenai?" Kakashi stood by the door still, having not moved as he paused to wrap his mind around the strange questions.

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