2- Tawny

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'Life is about taking chances, trying new things, having fun, making mistakes, and learning from it.'

"That'll be ten dollars," the bartender said as he placed one drink in front of me, and saving me from Ian's taunting, glaring eyes.

I felt relieved the bartender came over with my drink when he did, but then I made a mistake when I looked away from Ian and to the bartender saying, "Oh, I thought I asked for two of those drinks." Mentally facepalming.

"I'm sorry. I only heard you ask for one. I'll make you another."

Crap. What was I thinking? I should have just paid for the drink and took off to find Skye. But no. I had to be an idiot and say I asked for two.

Ian stepped closer to me. And I slid over a few steps, hoping he'd get the hint. But instead, his hand rested in between my shoulders-causing me to cringe. And the next thing I felt was the room becoming smaller.

I'm in trouble.

"What's the matter, Tawny? Are you afraid I'll have you arrested for not paying your debt?"

I snapped my head his way. "Please." I hissed. "You have more money than you know what to do with. I'm sure what I owe you, in which I still don't believe I owe, hasn't even made a dent in your pocketbook." I turned towards him, furrowing my brows and pointing my finger at him. "You know what I think? I think you get off on people who have no money. And you live to torture the unfortunate, forcing them to give you money you know they don't have. If you had any decency, you and your attorney would have dropped the charges or at least come up with a fair amount to teach me a lesson. But no. You had to be a jerk about everything. There's no way that car or your medical bills were that much damn money."

His sly, evil grin had me wanting to deck him right square in his handsome face. "I like torturing, but not the unfortunate."

"Ugh!" I quickly turned to face the bartender and tapped my fingers on the bar like I was angrily playing the piano. Hurry and finish making my drink so I can get away from this buffoon.

The bartender placed the other drink in front of me, and then he handed Ian a drink as well. Ian jutted his chin at the two glasses in front of me. "I've got those, Arnie."

"I don't think so," I groaned, handing the bartender twenty-five dollars.

Ian extended his hand, stopping the bartender from taking my money. "Don't take her money, Arnie. Tawny's money is no good here."

"Excuse me?!" I squealed, raising my voice while feeling the blood flowing through my veins boiling. "Do you think my money is fake? That I printed this money before coming here?"

He shrugged, smirking as he lifted his glass to his mouth. "Most likely. You said it yourself you're broke," he argued. He took a sip, then said, "Besides. If you had any money, you'd be making payments." He looked at the bartender and snapped his wrist, shooing this Arnie guy away.

"Whatever..." I hissed, picking up the two little red solo cups. "I'd say thank you for the drinks. But, you're not even owed that much from me. So, on that note, have a shitty rest of your life, asshole," I snipped. "I've got to get back to my friend before she thinks I ditched her."

I made it a few steps away from the bar before I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, stopping me from walking. The next thing I felt was the heat of his breath fanning my ear as he spoke. "Not so fast, lady. You owe me at least a dance for saving you from that guy. Plus, we need to discuss the money you still owe me."

"There's nothing to discuss. You'll get another payment as soon as I get another check. And as for that dance? You can kiss my ass. I didn't come out tonight to get harassed; I came out to have fun," I warned. Then something Skye mentioned came to mind. And it was if anyone were to harass us while inside the club, they'll be asked to leave or even kicked out for life.

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