9- Tawny

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Ian's a buffoon.

How Ian treated me and what he said out of his ignorant mouth caused me to be up all night tossing and turning—thinking about his unfair and ridiculous demands. Ian's it wouldn't be a bad idea if you were to dress like a nun, his new rules he has for me and only me, the surprising kiss we shared that I still wished never happened, the accident, and the amount of money he expects me to pay. All of it consumed my mind, and today I find myself dragging my feet.

My job today consisted of cleaning three cabins. After finishing each one, I found myself looking over my shoulder, expecting Ian to be there to check my work—making sure I didn't miss a spot or checking to see if I missed something that needed immediate attention. Such as leaks, missing/stolen items, or appliances that aren't working correctly.

But that never happened. Ian ended up staying far away from me.

Thank God...

So, after finishing my duties for the day, I decided to push things a little and headed back to my place where I dressed in the bikini Ian loved, yet claimed he hated so much, then headed over to the beach to lay in the sun and relax.

Again, I had another surprise. No lamebrain Ian.

Another idea came to mind getting Ian out of hiding, so I turned to the guy on the other side of me and asked if he'd like to help me.

After asking the man to rub sunscreen on my back, I was so sure it would cause Ian to come out and bark like an angry dog. But, surprisingly enough, that never happened either. And I want to say I was happy not to see him and relieved he didn't come over, causing an embarrassing scene in front of everyone, but that wasn't the case. So, to be honest, I was actually feeling a little bummed.


I don't even know the answer to that. Other than as much as I hate Ian and despise arguing with him over stupid shit. I, however, take great joy in doing and saying whatever I can to rile him up.

I love seeing Ian's green eyes darken and how his face reddens the more furious he becomes. And the angrier he gets, the more it excites me seeing the way his jaw clenches tight and how the veins in his neck bulge and pulsate like a ticking time bomb getting ready to blow. But, on the other hand, it makes me want to piss him off even more. All because he's a man who acts like a spoiled little rotten brat when he doesn't get his way.

And that's what he is—an impertinent man.

Now I know why Ian hasn't been around harassing me. He left this morning for the cities.

I stabbed my fork into my salad, then looked up at Hannah as I took a bite, saying, "Good. I hope Ian stays in the cities. I can't handle his alpha ass any longer. Last night I wanted to kill him. But instead of doing that and landing myself in prison, I decked him in the face," I giggled, "and it felt amazing to do it to him too."

Hannah folded her hands together, then bit her bottom lip, looking like she wanted to ask me something. After a few minutes of looking like she was debating with asking me a question. She finally said, "After you stormed out of the bar last night without saying goodbye, and how Ian came out afterward, rubbing his jaw and grinning like he won a boxing match, I knew his rotten mouth said something wrong. I tried getting it out of him this morning, but he refused to talk. So, can I ask what he said that made you leave last night?"

I finished chewing, then swallowed and sighed as I rested the fork on my plate. I wasn't sure if I should tell Hannah everything Ian said, afraid to sound like I was complaining about him. It worried me to think that if I were to complain about the rules he put in place for me, he'd fire me.

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