7- Tawny

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When I mentioned the rest of my day consisted of spending it with Jason on the lake, Ian's facial expression was rib-tickling. The sourpuss I had to deal with all morning went from looking like he wanted to kill me to looking peeved and disturbed. He was almost looking like I had done him wrong in some way or another.

I didn't understand what was running through Ian's mind at the time, but then I had to laugh when his I'm all his comment came back to mind. For a man to want a woman as bad as he so claims to wish to have, he sure has a funny way of showing it. After how he treated me this morning, it proves that he doesn't want me romantically. He only wants to control me-control what I do, what I eat, where I go, where I work, and who I hang out with.

Screw that.

Ian's not in control of me or in control of anything that I choose to do.

If I wanted someone controlling my life, it sure as hell wouldn't be Ian ruling it. Instead, I'd rather have it be someone I have deep and strong feelings for.

Pissing Ian off and calling him out about our famous car accident that landed all over the news was the highlight of my morning. Because of how furious he becomes whenever I bring up my version of the accident, I vowed to myself that I would continue doing everything I can to get under his skin-to piss Ian off more.

Just like how I threw a package of condoms into my cart. I'm smiling just thinking about it, and I wish I would have stayed inside to watch Ian's expression when the cashier rang those up. Ian can't be that naïve to think I threw them in the cart for me and must know I put them in there for him.

Ian didn't even bother helping me carry my grocery bags inside. All he did was pull up to my place, pop the trunk, then wait inside the car while I went back and forth from the car to the trailer. And when I was done, he was gone in a flash.

Ian must have known there weren't any thanks for the food in store for him, so he put the pedal to the metal and left.

And now I see the games have begun between him and me. The damn fool bought me Depends and a tub of ice cream. Not only did he get me those, but he exchanged the regular-sized maxi pads and Tampax I needed for the jumbo size. Ian also removed the Midol I had in the cart.


The next thing I found was a handful of Snickers bars.

Apparently, Ian thinks I become a bitch when my body sheds its uterus lining. I don't become crabby during my period. But I do have significant cramping when my menstrual cycle starts. So for Ian to remove my pills only tells me he wants me to feel the unbearable pain my cycle causes every month. But what a moron he is. After making money last night, it's not like I can't go back to the store and buy them for me, anyway.

That'll explain the tub of ice cream too. Ian probably thinks I'll drown my sorrows in that tub of chocolate and caramel ice cream after he pisses me off.

Games... if he wants to play games, then so be it because I can play games too. And the one thing he doesn't know is that I always win.

Let the games commence!

Since the rest of my day consisted of hanging out with Jason, with a feeling Ian would be watching from afar, the little devil inside me told me to dress as skimpy as possible. So, instead of dressing in shorts and a tank top. I wore my bikini. Because why not? I'll be on the water, in a boat, and I'll be soaking under the rays of the sun-darkening my already golden-colored skin, all while relaxing and fishing.

Plus, if Ian were to see me wearing practically nothing, I'm sure it'll probably want to make him hide somewhere and race his mule.

As I headed out to meet Jason down at the pier, I grabbed my fishing pole and tackle box I had set next to the door after getting back from the store with Ian. And as I walked down the gravel path to the pier, a man with perfectly toned abs and muscular arms bulging firm as he raked-clearing the weeds from the boat landing caught my attention.

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