16- Ian

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Waking up to Tawny's naked body and in my arms is a sight I thought I'd never see.

Having sex with Tawny is also something I also never thought would happen between us, either. But now that it has, and because of us making our relationship official, I feel alive more than I have in years. And I couldn't be any happier she's allowing me a chance at showing her the world—a world most women wish their men would give them.

I have fears, though. And my biggest fear is that I'll screw this relationship up somewhere down the road. Knowing me and my past. It'll happen.

I looked away from Tawny, shot my eyes upward to the ceiling, and let out a heavy sigh. It's plain and simple, Ian. Do not. And I repeat. Do not do anything to screw this up with Tawny...

I know it's easier said than done, but not knowing what I did to Alexandra for her to do what she did the entire five years we were together have put a damper on my thinking of how to treat a woman to make her stay—not to stray.

When you give a woman everything they want—the world—attention, affection, appreciation, a roof over their head (rent-free). As well as money to buy clothes, shoes, or jewelry they've wanted but couldn't afford—or even buying them a car they desperately wanted and not having to worry about making any payments because it's paid for in full at the time of purchase. Naturally, then, you would think you were doing something right, especially when they seemed happy and appreciative about it at the time. So when you give a woman all of that willingly and without questioning yourself why you're doing that for a woman you're not married to, one would think that was the golden ticket to keeping them in your life. But to find out none of it mattered and never meant anything to them. It only makes you think twice about the next relationship you get yourself involved in—making you wonder how you should handle the next woman you bring into your life.

Did I give Alexandra too much?

Was I too nice?

Did I not give her everything she wanted or wished to have?

Did I not treat her the way she wanted to be treated?

All of these questions have consumed my mind since the break-up. And all this questioning of where I went wrong has me worried I'll make the same mistake with Tawny.

I felt Tawny stirring, looked down at her, and watched her fluttering eyelids, her breathing, her beautiful mouth curving into a smile, and listened to the cooing she was doing until her eyes opened, finally.

"Good morning, sweetheart. I hope you had a wonderful sleep," I quietly said, pressing my lips to her forehead.

Her arm tightened around me, her lips stretched wider, and she happily hummed, "Good morning. I did. I had the best sleep I've had in years."

A sudden magnetic force pulled me to her, and my mouth was instantly on hers, giving her a soft and slow morning kiss that had her moaning and my dick hardening. "I think I have a boner to pick with you," I teased, pressing my body firmer against hers.

A beautiful giggle left her mouth. "Are you trying to be cocky with me?"

"You're fucking right I am," I said, rolling on top of her, making sure my dick was resting perfectly on her warm pussy. "Actually, I have a few bones to pick with you," I grinned.

She furrowed her brows, and with a smile still painted on her face, she asked, "Why is that?"

"Well, for one, you unsuccessfully tried lying to me last night. Telling me you were back to despising me, that it was a mistake for you to be here with me, and that you also said you hated my place. The funny thing about it is, you had a sparkle in your eye that said the opposite of what you were trying to accomplish. I picked up on you trying to pick a fight with me. And now I'm curious as to why you were trying to do that?"

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