3- Tawny

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I am absolutely shocked.

My interview with Hannah went much better than I'd expected. She asked me questions, and I answered them truthfully. For example, one of her questions was why I wanted to work for her family's resort. At first, I was skeptical about telling her about my life and what I've been going through. But I needed a job, and I felt the best thing I needed to do was be truthful with her.

I explained what happened to my mother, how I dropped out of college to take care of my father, how he went from using marijuana to the hardcore stuff. How I've tried helping him with no success, and how I couldn't bear living in his home any longer because of his drug use. I mentioned feeling I wasn't enough for him to quit using and feeling second or even third best in his life. And how I was suffering from watching him go down the path to death. I also explained to Hannah my fear if I stayed near my father any longer and continued watching him kill himself in front of my eyes, I'd end up being my mother—depressed, and where she is now—six feet under.

I also mentioned the accident I was in the day of my mother's funeral, how I got railroaded, how Ian expects me to pay for something I continue to feel was his fault, and how he offered me to work at a nightclub that's hiring. I didn't go into specifics about what kind of nightclub it was, fearing she'd judge my character as someone I'm not—all because of my being there. But what I said was enough for her to say, 'you're hired.'

"Really? You're hiring me?" My brows drew together, curious as to why she was quick to give me the job. "But you really haven't even begun the interview. Just asked a couple of questions and why I wanted to work here?"

A pleased smile formed on her face, and then she nodded. "Yes. I'm hiring you." Hannah stood. "And the reason is, I liked how honest you were right off the bat. I'm not hiring you because I feel sorry for what you've been through. I'm hiring you because I already know you'll be a great asset here. And anyone who can tell my— I mean, for you saying how you stood your ground to this millionaire asshole guy, telling him to kiss your ass. It tells me just how strong and amazing of a person you are. And that you won't take shit from anyone. Someone we desperately need around here."

With a smile, she stood straight, then jutted her chin towards the door. "Come on. Let me show you around."

Hannah walked us outside and over to a golf cart, waving me to get on. "Using this will be much easier and faster to showing you around. As large as this resort is, we have many of these for our employees to use. It's much easier driving around in this than it would be walking around. Unless you want the exercise, of course."

First, she drove me around the seasonal R.V. park, explaining each one of the guest's places, how their personalities are, where they're from, what they do for a living, and what I need to do and not do when they're staying here.

Next, she drove me around the visitors' campground area, explaining what needs to be done to each site before a renter arrives and after checking out. And then she drove me around the cabins and tent sites, explaining my job duties with them as well.

"Seems easy enough and seems pretty much self-explanatory," I said, looking around as she drove us down to the lake.

"It really is. We do everything we can to make all our guests happy, impressed, and relaxed. And to make them feel like they're at home... but without the stress that home life can bring," she added.

"Simple enough."

Hannah parked the golf cart, then had me follow her down to the pier. "All our seasonal guests have their own slip. And that area over there," she pointed, "is where all the visitors' slips are. We've never had problems with any unwelcome boat parking in these slips, but you'll still have to do periodic checks—making sure nobody is parking their boat where they shouldn't be."

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