14- Ian

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When you think you've had enough lemons to deal with, life gives you more. And just when I thought it had rained enough between Tawny and me, it starts to fucking pour.

I know my relationship with Tawny hasn't been all roses and sunshine, but tonight I've had enough—I've reached my breaking point, finally. Now that this supercell storm has become larger and much more powerful, I refuse to allow her to slip away. And I'm now more than ready to share my umbrella and survive this storm with her.

After Tawny stormed off, leaving me on the dance floor looking like a fool, I lowered my head, said a quick prayer, and instead of letting her run into the arms of another man, such as Wyatt's, I went after her. Then, not caring whose eyes were on us, I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, groaning, "We're leaving."

"Put me down!"

"No," I barked. "We need to talk."

"Our talk ended on that dance floor!" she argued, trying to fight her way off my shoulders. "I have nothing more to say to you."

Hannah stepped in front of me, putting her hands on my chest. "Put her down, Ian," she demanded.

"Step away, Hannah. I'm bringing Tawny somewhere where we can talk in private."

Hannah's eyes shot over to Tawny, hissing, "Well, if you're going to carry her out like she's unable to walk on her own, the least you could do is cover her ass cheek that's out in the open for everyone to see."

My eyes shot to Tawny's ass, and when I saw her very exposed cheek, I reached up to the silky fabric of her dress and quickly covered the ass I've wished to kiss and bite. "I swear if Tawny comes back in tears, I'll go ape-shit on you," Hannah groaned, stepping to the side.

"There'll be no tears shed," I assured. "I can guarantee you that. I only need to clear up a misunderstanding between us."

"Misunderstanding," Tawny mocked. "There's no misunderstanding between us! I actually do understand everything about what's going on. You're just a thirty-year-old brat who can't handle not getting your way."

"A thirty-year-old brat. I hardly think that's the case," I derided. "In fact, I know it isn't," I stated as I entered an empty room. I shut the door, locked it, then as I lowered Tawny to the ground, I politely said, "I'm going to put you down, but the second you try leaving this room, I'll either put you back over my shoulder or I'll find something to tie you to."

"Whatever," she hissed, taking a couple of steps away from me and crossing her arms against her chest. Then a scornful expression filled her overly gorgeous face. "Well, now that you took me away from a party I happened to be enjoying, I demand that you hurry and get whatever it is off your chest so I can get away from you and enjoy the rest of my night—"

I interjected by holding up my hand. "Stop. Please. I didn't bring you in here to fight."

Her eyes squinted, her eyebrows drew to one, and then she scoffed. "Then why are we here? You couldn't talk to me where we were?"

I crossed my arms, then raised and rested my foot against the door. "No. What I want to say needs to be said privately."

"Why's that? Is it, so nobody knows how much shit exits your mouth?"

Good one Tawny, but no...

I shook my head. "No. That's not it." Then, as I stood with my back against the door, I looked down at the ground and combed my fingers through my hair, heavily exhaling as I thought about everything I admitted to her the other night. Then I looked back up at the one woman I hope to be bringing back to the wedding reception with her hand in mine and showing all the single men attending the wedding, Tawny's taken—by me.

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