10- Ian

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"You just can't stay away from this place anymore, can you?" Hannah slurred, lifting her wineglass to her lips and eyeing me as she swallowed the rest of the contents in her glass. A mischievous smirk formed on her flushed face as she set her glass down on the edge of my desk. "You came back because of her, didn't you?" she accused, her eyes studying mine as she crossed her leg over the other.

I felt an uncomfortable sensation journey along my larynx and cleared my throat. "I came back because I have shit to do. Things I've been neglecting for some time now," I lied, knowing I would never neglect anything that needs to be done around here. "And as for "her," I have no clue who you're referring to," I groaned, dropping my pen and resting my hands behind my head as I leaned back in my chair.

Hannah's red drunken eyes re-found mine, and with a smile, she repeatedly pointed at me. "You know damn well who I'm referring to. And what you're doing and how you're treating her is unfair, unreasonable, and unnecessary," she warned, her words slowly coming out of her mouth.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said, leaning forward and resting my forearms on my desk, folding my hands together.

Hannah uncrossed her leg, narrowed her eyes into slits, and hissed. "She told me everything, Ian. And by you treating her the way that you are is totally unacceptable. I don't care what your history is with her; you need to stop being a dick to her. Whether you like it or not, I will do everything it takes for Tawny to continue working here, so you need to accept that she's here. You may not want to believe she's a good human being, but the truth is, she truly is a good person."

"I don't have to accept shit," I barked back; as my phone alerted me, a message came in. I looked at my phone, then shot my eyes back to Hannah as I slid my phone closer to me. "You went above my head and hired the one woman you knew I have an issue with. A woman I'd never hire..."

Apparently, Hannah thought I made a joke; her mocking laugh ended up echoing the room. "Keep telling yourself that, Ian. The only issue you have with Tawny is that you like her. You know damn well you find her so dang stunning; it pisses you off that she is."




Hannah doesn't know shit.

"Why are you so stubborn? The way mom raised us, you'd think you'd have a heart of gold like me. But instead, you have a heart of stone, like our fathers."

"Have another drink, Hannah," I groaned, picking up my phone and looking to see who was wishing to get a hold of me. Seeing Tawny's name caused my mind to go into shock. I opened her message, and then I had to fight my twitching lips as it insisted on wanting to form into a smile—a smile I didn't wish for my annoying little sister to see.

I quickly messaged Tawny back, then set my phone down in my line of vision, anxious to see her response, yet at the same time, I'm trying to hide from Hannah that it's Tawny messaging me and the reason for my forced frown.

"Who's that?" Hannah asked, trying to look over my folded hands that are covering my phone.

"Someone that isn't of any importance to you," I muttered.

"It better not be Alexandra," she said in disgust, whipping her long, dark hair from the front of her shoulders to behind them.

I can't believe she brought up Alexandra's name again...

"It's not fucking Alexandra. I haven't talked to the bitch since the day she told me we were over."

I looked down at Tawny's response and quietly chuckled as I picked up the phone to respond to her, my lips stretching into a devilish smirk.

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