6- Ian

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I can't believe I allowed my mother and sister to talk me into buying Tawny's groceries. When they busted into my office this morning, and my mother let me have it by saying she didn't raise me to be a heartless son of a bitch, and that I'm too hard on Tawny, I almost disrespected my mother by losing my cool on her.

And I was so close to saying things I knew I wouldn't mean, and then later regretting what my choice of words to my mother would have been.

To not upset my mother more than she already was, I clenched my fists, leaned back in my chair, took a deep breath, and then bit my tongue and listened to the two women scream and bitch at me.

The one thing I learned growing up was never to disrespect the one who gave me life. My mother has always been good to me, and she's always treated me with the respect I deserve. So for her to barge in my office and tell me how much of a piece of shit I am and that I had no heart whatsoever, I knew it would be best to sit back, be quiet, and let her get whatever she had on her mind and chest, off.

What really got to me, though, was when Hannah reminded me of how my father was and that I'm acting exactly like him when he was alive.

That pissed me off.

I'm nothing like my father.

My father hated the world. I don't.

My father was a drunk. I'm not.

My father was an abuser and liked raising his hands on us and others when he felt punishment was needed. That's something I am not and would never be. I don't care how much a woman pissed me off. I would never lay my bare hands on a woman.

My father was a manipulator and mind controller. I am not.

The only thing I'm well aware of getting from my father was his business etiquette. He was good at it, and so am I. If my business etiquette weren't like his was, I wouldn't have the three money-making, well-run establishments that I own now.

Hannah brought up how I'm always judgemental, which is something my father definitely was. So I guess maybe that's something else I learned from him. But in my mind, I also don't see it that way. What I'm doing is because I'm protecting myself—protecting myself from another person taking advantage of me.

Eat humble pie, and buy Tawny some damn groceries, my mother demanded. Get down on your knees and beg her not to leave. Show her you're this wonderful person to work for as others see how it is working for you, my mother insisted after telling me Tawny had told Jason she was possibly thinking about quitting.

The next time someone sees me on my knees begging for something I want is the day I'm telling a woman I want to spend the rest of my life with her, someone I almost had until Tawny ruined it for me, I told her.

Alexandra was long gone before the day of that accident, Hannah hissed. You know damn well your princess found another castle, and that's what caused her to call off the wedding. And don't bullshit me about the day it happened. I may be younger, but I'm a hell of a lot more intelligent than you. I warned you that bitch was cheating on you, and you refused to listen. So quit blaming Tawny for that accident. I'm ninety-nine percent sure you were the one who caused that accident, and you're too damn afraid to swallow your pride and admit it was you.

Not only is Tawny annoying, but so is my little sister.

Show us you care by helping Tawny. Help the woman out. If you don't, that'll prove to me; you're not this caring man I had raised to be, my mother said with hurt and disappointment in her eyes. So don't you dare allow Tawny to eat Ramen noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the rest of the week.

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