4- Ian

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The look on Tawny's face as she stared at me in horror is priceless. She's just as shocked to see me as I was when I walked in and saw her working behind that bar with Jason.

When my little sister called and said she'd finally hired someone and that I'd like the new hire, I was pissed—pissed because Hannah overstepped me—and pissed because my sister knows how I operate. She damn well knows how my two-stage hiring process works and that she's not the one who hires. It's me.

Hannah is only to interview. And then, sort through the interviewees' applications—eliminating those she knows would never get past the second interview—the one with me, the final decision maker on who I want working for me.

For Hannah to have the nerve and tell me this woman she'd hired behind my back needed an advance? Angered me. In the ten years I've owned my businesses, I've never given anyone an advance. Ever. And even if I ever were to, which I know I wouldn't, I sure as hell wouldn't give one to a new hire. Fearing if I were to provide an employee an advance from their paycheck, they'd happily take the money, quit, and then skip town.

I flat out told Hannah no, absolutely not. Then she begged me—begged me to be a caring, decent human being for once and to give someone the benefit of the doubt finally. Hannah insisted she trusted this woman, and in her heart, she knew she's a good person, that I needed to trust her instincts.

Trust... Something I've learned not to do anymore.

There's one thing I'll give Hannah. And as much as I hate even to admit this, but she's good at reading people—something she's said to me many times I needed to learn how to do. Hell, Hannah read into my ex the first day she met her and was very adamant about how I shouldn't trust her. Saying how she was using me and that she'd break my heart when I least expected it.

I, of course, refused to believe a word she'd said about Alexandra and continued moving forward with her. Why would I listen to someone eight years younger than me, anyway? Someone who still has a lot to learn about love and life. And because of that, I never listened, told Hannah she needed to worry about herself, and stuck with trusting my ex instead.

Wanting to prove Hannah wrong, I basically handed Alexandra a gun, had her aim it at my heart, then trusted her not to pull the trigger. She ended up proving Hannah right—blindsiding me when she pulled the trigger. So when my sister begged me to trust her judgment on who she hired and for me to give this woman an advance, I told Hannah she was nuttier than a jar of peanut butter.

And now? Seeing who is standing in front of me with a shocked expression on her face proves just how nutty my sister is. Hannah knew exactly who she hired and tried hiding it from me by saying she'd write the check, so I didn't have to make a special trip up here. She knew very fucking well Tawny Piper Kincaid was the one who totaled my car, put me in the hospital, and destroyed the life I had been looking forward to.

I'm glad I told Hannah not to write out a check, that I'd be here to write out that once-in-a-lifetime advancement for an employee. Because after Tawny blocked me from ever contacting her, she's about to learn I don't take being fucked with too kindly.

Memories of last weekend, when I kissed Tawny—claiming her as mine, and saving her from that guy wishing to claim her as his, have had me feeling irritated all week. All because of how much I despised this woman, and I kissed her, anyway.

The fucked up thing about that is, I liked it. Yet, I was not too fond of it. But that damn scent of Tawny's that night has been consuming my mind ever since. She smelled amazing. Not only did she smell like paradise, but she also tasted like pure heaven.

Stop thinking about her, Ian. You despise her. Remember?

I despise her for wrecking my car.

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