24- Ian

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Okay my favorite peeps! I'm trying to come back and finish this story! The last few months of 2020 were the hardest months of my life. Lots were going on! Hopefully, all of that is over.
I had back to back deaths in the family, I battled covid, then omicron, then the flu, and omicron again, which I'm recovering from right now.
Now, I'm hoping you be back for good!
It took me a week to write this chapter. After a few months of not writing, I felt a bit rusty. So if anything doesn't make sense in this chapter, please let me know which paragraphs need work!

Thank you! And I've missed you all!

Happy reading!

For the last month, I've felt like I've been floating on air—like, I'm high on life. And as I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, with the book my mother insisted I read lying face down along my chest, I can't help but think about why I've been feeling the way I have. And the longer I think about why that is, the more it makes me smile.

Never in a million years did I ever think I could fall for another woman or feel the way I do as I do now with Tawny after my relationship with Alexandra ended. I also never imagined I could fall in love with another woman, either.

Who knew the one woman I wished to despise, the one who got under my skin, and the one I tried making her life a living hell since the day we met, is the same woman I'm absolutely crazy for and whom I'm madly in love with.

I never saw the day of telling another woman I'm in love with them. I always promised myself, God, and everyone who knows me that I'd never say those three big words to anyone again. But I couldn't help it. There's just something different about Tawny. The way that woman makes me feel whenever I'm around her and how she drives me absolutely crazy has me seeing my life in a whole different light. And the one major thing Tawny has taught me is that I can love again. And I am.

I'm in love.

I'm. In. Fucking. Love.

And right now, I feel like yelling my love for Tawny, as loud as I can, for the entire world to hear—wanting everyone to know how much I love her and warn that if anyone were to ever fuck with her, they'd be sorry. Only, it's two in the morning, and if I were to do such a thing, I'd most likely piss off the neighbors, and then I'd have the cops at my door, wanting to do a wellness check.

After nearly four years of being on good terms with the neighbors, I'd hate to do anything that would cause them to be concerned for my well-being and the law enforcement at my door, checking on me.

On that note, I think it might be best if I quit thinking about my girl and get some sleep. Or, even, get back to what I was doing before I started thinking about Tawny—something I'm not sure if I feel like doing, either. And that's sticking my nose into the one book that'll embarrass the shit out of me if Tawny ever were to find out I've been reading.

Should I go to sleep?

Or should I get back to reading this ridiculous book?


A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I contemplated what to do. Especially since all I keep hearing inside my head is my mother repeatedly scolding me by saying, 'it'll do you some good, Ian. You need to live, laugh and learn... so quit being scathing and just read the damn book.'

If she weren't my mother, I would have told her to shove the book where the sun doesn't shine. But, because she gave me life, and I always try doing as she asks, I decided to continue reading her novel.

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