21- Tawny

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All night, I couldn't stop thinking about what Ian said he had planned for me. And because of that, I couldn't sleep. It also didn't help that I couldn't stop thinking about my father, either. I mentioned wanting to visit and see how he's doing, but because my father has only been in treatment for about a week, Ian suggested I stay away, for now, to not interfere with his mindset and to continue allowing him to get the help he needs.

I understand where Ian's coming from, but it still sucks. All I'd like to do is see him sober and to thank him for doing what's right, finally. Because, honestly, I don't think I've ever seen him sober in all the years I've known my father. So, I'm a bit anxious to see what he's like off the drugs. But Ian's right; the best thing to do right now is to let my father be and let the medical professionals help him—without my getting in the way.

Since Ian has my father and his well-being under control, I'm going to let it go, trust Ian's thoughts on the matter, and continue carrying on with my excitement for wherever Ian is driving me to this very moment.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

"What you told me not to think about. But I'm also trying to figure out where we're going."

Ian looked over at me and raised his hand to my cheek, caressing it. "Your father's in good hands."

"I understand that. But because of my father's history, I fear he'll get his cravings and check himself out as he has in the past. My father at his longest lasted four days in treatment."

"As I said before, he's in the best place, getting the best care, and in every program, they offer to get his mind back in the game. His medical team will work long and hard with him, and if they see he has those urges, they'll help him get over those cravings. Trust me. He'll be fine... plus, he and I had a long talk. Your father knows where you stand and knows that if he doesn't complete this program and goes back to using, he'll lose you."

It still makes me nervous he'll leave the treatment facility thinking he can't go on living without the drugs. But in the back of my mind, Ian has me feeling optimistic about my father and that he'll continue doing what's right.

Ian keeps saying he had a long talk with my father, but he never mentioned what their talk was all about. So, curious to learn more about their conversation, I turned to Ian, asking, "Besides talking to my father about his drug use and getting help, what else did you talk to him about?"

With his eyes on the road, he smiled, then said, "You."

Of course, they talked about me. "Do you care to enlighten me, or is it a secret?" I pressed.

"Your father asked who I was to you, so I told him the truth."

"Which is?"

"That you work for me-"

My mouth dropped, and then I hissed, cutting him off. "I thought you said you didn't tell him anything about me or where I was?"

Ian looked at me quickly. "Will you relax? There's zero need for you to get worked up. All I said was that you work for me and that you're too good of a woman for him to be putting you through what he has been. I also admitted how I feel about you and how grateful I am that after putting you through hell these last couple of years, you're willing to give me a chance to prove I'm the man you need in your life." He looked at me with twisted lips. "I hope by telling him how I feel about you was all right because the last thing I want to do is upset you. God and everyone around us know I've done enough of that."

I looked away from him, shaking my head. "I'm not upset." I'm just embarrassed he admitted that he's my boss. "Thanks for not telling him about my whereabouts."

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