A getaway

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I woke up definitely not in the best mood or situation. My body was in pain from yesterdays workout and every move made a whole new level of pain. So I slowly, as in really slowly made my way to shower, hoping it would freshen me up.

After putting on a long, maxi dress and a pair of nude strap heels, I headed downstairs, smelling the familiar smell of chocolate pancakes.

"Morning, sunshine!" Jack greeted, joined by a wave from Stacey, who was now happily reading news on her ipad and happily drinking coffee. Nick was nowhere to be seen. 

"Morning, guys," I mumbled, after sitting down to be handed a plate full of chocolate pancakes and fruit salad, together with caramel macchiato - my favorite. "Thanks, chubby. Smells delicious!"

After Stacey had left to another of her new guys, I suppose, I got up, washing the dirty dishes. I somehow preffered washing by hand, weird to think, but I don't trust dishwashers. While washing dishes, I realised a walk by the beach right now would be a perfect idea to clear my head after the things that happened yesterday. 

"Jack, I'll go walk on the beach," I grabbed my sunglasses and headed straight to the doors. 

"Stop right there, chubby!" Jack screamed, pointing at me, pretending to be a policeman, I think?

"Okay.. We can cosplay once I get back?" quickly waving him off, I once again begun to walk away, only to be thrown over Jacks shoulder. 

"If you want to cosplay that much, you could of just told me, yknow.." 

I felt him chuckle, "Don't be silly, chubby," he said, putting me in the car. 

"Then where are we going, if I may ask?" he started the engine, already out in the streets. 

"That I can't answer," he said, sticking out his tongue (If I may mention, even with that face he looked handsome), "I decided that we deserve a day off, and what better way to do it, if not by your best friends side?" 

He turned on his playlist "You know you like it" by DJ snake and AlunaGeorge, being the first song. Approving of it, I felt myself fall asleep, looking at the beautiful beach we were driving by. 

When I woke up, all I could smell was freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and that definitely did it to me. As I opened my eyes, I realised, it was Jack who was holding cookie infront of my nose, to wake me up. 

He started laughing when he realized it worked, "it's been a few years, I still don't realize how can food wake you up better than any person, chubby."

I grabbed the cookie, biting off half of it, "shut up. You're not better."

"So, what's the plan?" I said, looking around, seeing huge rocks by the beach, instead of sand. He knew how much I love them. 


After we had spent the most of the day jumping from rock to rock, teasing each other and making fun of each other, when the opposite fell, we realized the sun was going down, so we decided to sit down and watch the sunset. It was truly beautiful. 

I decided to break the really beautiful and comfortable silence, "are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wro-"

"Don't even finish that sentence, don't lie to me," he cracked a sad smile, still staring at the sunset, "You cook chocolate pancakes only when we have had fight or if you're sad/confused about something. Also I am always the one dragging you out for "a day off". So yes, something is wrong. If you don't want to tell me, it's alright." 

I bet I was there staring at him for good 5 minutes, while he seemed to struggle about his response. After a few more minutes, I gave up, getting up and trying to drag him with me. He didn't move. 

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