It's not new it's just me

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Look at you, look at you

Trying to make it look like nothing ever happened

It's not new, it's just me

And every time you say that

You bring me to my limits again

/Give up at 2 - Sofi de la Torre/

"J?" I stepped forward and saw her being unsure of if she should come forward.

My body moved before I could process it, I was in front of her now, staring into her eyes.

"I know you," I laughed, "is it really you J?"

That was enough for her to pull me into bone crushing hug, which I gladly returned.

"I missed you so much," she cried, still not letting go, "I thought you were dead. Gone just like that. We just couldn't find you. We tried so hard, I swear."

I pulled back from her, confused, "we? What do you mean "we"? Is there someone else?"

Elena's POV

She looked at me shocked, looking at somewhere behind me and back to me,not knowing if she should say anything at all.

"Jane, tell me. There has to be more.." I stared at my hands, "the guy from my flashbacks and dreams. He must be real too. Right?"

She smiled sadly, nodding.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys, but except you there's 5 incredibly confused humans standing in the same room as you,"  the younger girl said, as she smiled a cute smile at me, knowing for sure I was meant no harm, "I'm Lilly, nice to meet you. Elena, right?"

I nodded, still slightly confused as to how I went from being the famous Lena to a broken girl with a past she had yet to discover named Elena.

I was introduced to the all the other people in the room and so was Jack.

I had little to no time to process things as our life continued. Honestly at this point I was simply stuck, it was the best way to describe it. I was so confused to a point where my mind had stopped working.

Which is the reason I had a few slip-ups considering the questions I should have asked a while ago. We were now sitting on the couch, the biggest guy I had been introduced to as Marc started cooking more food, cause clearly 8 people couldn't survive on 2 pizzas especially if one of them was like 3 of us together.

Jack had been stealing glances at me now and then too, while Jane whispered to him, with one hand making circles with her thumb on his hand she was now holding in hers, meanwhile the other was placed on his shoulder. It was obvious she had feelings for him that didn't stop at just best friends. In the years I spent acting and on stage I learned how to read people. It was one of my favorite things. Somehow my intuition just told me everything about the person and my analyzing mind wouldn't miss even the smallest things.

I stood up, deciding I needed some time to be on my own. This felt incredibly normal yet freaked me out. How do you just go back to knowing the person when just moments ago you didn't know they existed.

As I sat down on the sand, closing my eyes and listening  to the sound of nature, everything else somehow disappeared from my mind. I enjoyed it while it lasted. Soon the moment was over and my mind started working, making statements, questions, assumptions.

Jane was my best friend, Jack is Jane's best friend, which certainly meant I knew him. Besides I am Elena, my name is, was Elena. It was quite obvious I had to be his Elena. Which makes sense, considering he thought it was me. Now that I put two and two together, finally it all became obvious. The way I would blush in front of him and sometimes feel shy, which wasn't me at all. Or was it? Who even was I anymore?

I did the only thing I knew was right to do and typed a text to someone.

My unending questions and thoughts were cut short, as Jack patted on my back, asking: "can I sit down?"

I nodded, my eyes following his every movement. He sat down, staring at the never ending blueness in front of us.

"It's weird. You didn't get the headache nor did you faint this time around. Did her voice or her visual appearance trigger the memories?" he shook his head, "sorry, that's a stupid question. What I really meant to ask is if you're okay."

I kept on looking at him, answering both of the questions: "I don't know. I am happy that I remembered her. But I also know there is a huge part missing."

I sighed, looking back at the water, deciding to cut to the case: "why didn't you just tell me?"

"I tried to, didn't I?" he begun, "I had lost you for such a long time, I wasn't about to make the same mistake again when I finally had you back. I figured you would remember eventually.."

It was about time I said the harsh truth, so I turned to him:"but I don't."

"Then I will make you fall for me again," he said, no hint of joking in his voice.

I shook my head, turning to him, "we both know it's not how it works Jack."

He nodded, taking my hand in his. I quickly took it back.

"Listen, I'm not the person you remember me as anymore," my phone ringed, notifying me of a new text, "I have to go now."

We both got up and we walked back to the house where a car was waiting for me in front of the door, in front of it stood Nick, handsome as ever, talking on the phone.

"Yes, I think it would be the best decision based on the statistics.. No, I'll take care of it  myself," as soon as he spotted me, his usual emotionless expression was replaced by a smile that could rarely be seen on his face, "I'll call you later."

I ran to him, kissing him on the cheek and hugging him tightly. There was only one way to describe how it felt in his arms. It felt like home I had lost somewhere along the way.

He responded by placing his arm on my shoulder, but once he looked up he was back to being his usual self - the emotionless, non-stop analyzer I met a year ago. 

Jack stared at us in disbelief, as confused as he could ever get, "you know him?"

Nick responded by giving him one of his glares and nodding: "nice to see you too Jack."

It was my turn to be confused. I stepped between the two of them. Looking left and right. 

"Guys, we finished cooking, come inside!" Jane walked out of the house oblivious to what was going on here, thinking we were on the beach. But then she spotted Nick and visibly tensed, as her smiled disappeared.

He turned his head, looking at her. It was clear he wanted her, but he quickly hid it underneath the person he pretended to be. 

"So you're back," he said, face once again emotionless. 

And then it clicked. 

"Wait," I said, holding a hand up. My head was spinning from Jane to Jack to Nick, back to Jane, to Jack and so on. 

"You," I pointed at Nick, walking to stand right in front of him, "tell me what I'm thinking isn't true."

Nick raised his hand, trying to grab mine, "you have to hear me out, El."

I allowed him to take my hand in his. After a while I nodded, signaling I was ready to hear it. 

"Don't wait on us," Nick said, turning to Jane, "we'll probably take a while."

Jane nodded, her eyes not leaving Nicks.

This was going to be a long night. 

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