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I feel that you remember

Dreaming of a past that couldn't last

But now we're changing, refraining

/Bad blood - NAO/

"You," I pointed at Nick, walking to stand right in front of him, "tell me what I'm thinking isn't true."

Nick raised his hand, trying to grab mine, "you have to hear me out, El."

I allowed him to take my hand in his. After a while I nodded, signaling I was ready to hear it.

"Don't wait on us," Nick said, turning to Jane, "we'll probably take a while."

Jane nodded, her eyes not leaving Nicks.

This was going to be a long night. 

Elena's POV

"Remember how we met?" he asked, smiling.

I nodded, a small smile appearing on my lips too. 

*A year ago*

"Auntie, I don't need a bodyguard, okay?" I said as calmly as I could in the phone, "I am very capable of protecting myself.

"For the last time," Aunts strict voice said, making me realize there was no way out of this, "I'd rather die than be responsible for you getting hurt when your parents trusted in me to take care of you. No buts Lena, from this point on, consider you already have a bodyguard."

I frowned, "But-" she had already ended the call. 

I walked into kitchen, forgetting I had spilled some milk there earlier and slipped on it, preparing myself for a very painful fall. I waited and waited, with my eyes squeezed shut but nothing happened.

Instead I realized someone had grabbed me by my waist, preventing me from falling. 

"You sure as hell are one clumsy girl," the handsome, tall guy with dark brown hair and deep green eyes told me. 

Before I could ask any questions or scream, he put his hand on my mouth: "listen, I know this is awkward and I promise not to say anything, but I really like this job, besides it pays for the studies, so suck it up princess. I am your bodyguard from now on."

I stared at him, my eyes analyzing every inch of him: "do I know you by any chance?" 

He did the same thing I had done before, analyzing me, after a while he nodded: "yes, but it doesn't matter."

I frowned: "what do you mean it doesn't matter? Answer the question."

"If I was important, you would remember," he said, "how did you end up here?"

I shrugged: "I moved here with my parents, but on our way to the new house, we got into an accident. They died, I ended up in coma, waking up later on without any memory of life up until the moment I woke up."

I was quite shocked I could so easily tell him about it, he seemed familiar in a way. 

"You really seem familiar," I said, but then a sudden pain made me grab my head and nearly faint.

"Are you okay?" he asked, lifting me up and putting me on the couch, "should I give you medicine?"

"It's fine. It happens whenever I try to remember the past, it'll pass in a few seconds if I stop thinking about it," I frowned, trying to concentrate on something else.

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