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Sky's reaching out I want it 

To take us back home again

And all of your holding on 

It's getting lost in my head

/Thru - Vallis Alps/

Elenas POV

"So.." Jack said after waiting for 3 minutes and watching me eat the M&Ms, "what next?"

I unbuckled my safety belt, "we're switching seats."

He laughed as if it was a joke, "yeah, sure."

After I hadn't replied for a good while, staring quite seriously at him, he realized I wasn't playing.

He stared at me with an expression that said for real? and then unbuckled his safety belt, opening the door and walking around, opening my side too. 

He held out his hand for me, as I took it and bowed for him, pretending to be a princess. Guess what? Normal isn't fun. 

"You better hold on tight Jacky," I smirked, stepping on the pedal, making a quick j-turn and speeding down the streets. 

Jacks was quite hilarious, as he looked between the road and me, his mouth slightly open and eyebrows shot up, "where did you learn that?"

"My hobby is challenging myself. One month the challenge was to participate in a sports car racing," I smiled, frowning slightly, "although I only got the 2nd best."

"Since when are you like this?" he repeated the question he had asked me before while zip lining. 

At these kind of times having a talent in performing came in handy, I could easily hide my feelings this way. So I smiled slightly, ignoring the question and stepping on the pedal even harder, making us go as fast as the car could, I must say, the car was definitely not the worst I had ever driven. As I saw us getting near the place, I quickly made a right turn in a parking lot and then to make Jack scream like a little girl, I made a 360 spin, stopping in front of the building.

"We're here," I said, checking out if the poor guy was still breathing. 

He had visibly paled, but he managed to put himself together quite fast, "I won't even ask, lead the way."

I didn't need to be told twice, after grabbing the bag I had placed in the back seat when I came back from the store, I got out of the car, throwing the keys to Jack, watching as he caught them smoothly and locked the car.

Then he looked around, quite confused. It seemed to be his go-to expression today. Since it was late, by now it had turned pretty dark, but the sound of waves crushing in the ocean and the house in front of us was a dead give away. 

"Home," I smiled, driving us to his house in 5 minutes. Considering it would normally take 15, you could say Jack should of thrown up or fainted by now but he was actually grinning. 

"What's the plan for here?" 

"Normally celebrations include alcohol, right?" I said, watching Jack nod and look suspiciously at me, "Right. Which is why it is too cliche for me. We're making food."

We walked in the house, immediately getting to the case. Obviously in the bag were ingredients. 

"I must ask," Jack said, washing the tomatoes, "why cooking?"

I took the flour and started mixing it with eggs and all the other ingredients, slowly watching it become dough, "because of me being famous, I rarely ever get a chance to enjoy home cooked meals. I don't have the time to and also no one to do such things with me. It's quite lonely doing it on my own, so I avoid it."

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