I could have foreseen

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But it's all the same

I could have foreseen

That you would act like you are

/Brain - Banks/

Elenas POV

"El, wake up," Nick said loudly, coming into my room. 

How he managed to figure out I left yesterday and came home was something I could not bother thinking about right now.

I groaned, flipping him off with my middle finger and hiding my head under the pillow.

Instead of leaving he aggressively pulled my sheets off of me and also managed to steal the pillow I was hiding under. 

I turned around, kicking his butt as he was walking away. 

"I know you love my ass, but so does most of America, so I would advice for you not to kick it unless you want to explain it for the whole world," he smirked at me. 

"First of all, I hate you. Secondly, what's gotten into you? Did you manage to get laid finally?" I smirked back. 

He kept quiet, walking over to my walk in wardrobe that was connected to my room and probably looking for something for me to wear. 

"Oh my God," I said loudly, jumping out of my bed and walking to the wardrobe my mouth shaped into a huge grin, "are you for real?"

Instead of replying, he turned his back on me, walking to the shoe section. There was no way he was getting out of this, but I decided to keep quiet, lean on the wall, my hands crossed on my chest and a smirk playing on my lips. 

Of course, I figured something must have happened last night, but I didn't know this handsome guy I called my best friend had any actual game since he hadn't tried it  on me and most of the world wanted to date me.

He soon pulled together my outfit, handing me white Drakes snapback, white crop top with straps, high waisted denim shorts, white see through lace kimono that was long enough to reach my ankles   and white converse. I stared at his choice for my outfit. 

He rolled his eyes at me: "in case you forgot, which I'll pretend like you didn't, we have a photo shoot scheduled today for Vogue, and since you'll have to do your make up and clothes there anyways, I figured you need something comfortable and quick to take off and put on."

I nodded, smiling at him. He liked to help me with my outfits even when he started working as my bodyguard. May I say, he was hella good at it and him becoming one of celebrity style icons said enough about his talent. 

I quickly took off my black silk nightgown, completely naked in front of him now, walking over to my underwear drawers and putting some on, then taking the clothes from him and putting them on one by one.

It was no big deal really, ever since he became a celebrity, we had done multiple naked photo shoots and movie scenes together. It was simply a normal thing for two people who often had to change in the car between changing locations and events. 

He nodded approvingly at my outfit, "that was not needed, just so you know, but the outfit works. Lets not waste any more time and get going."

Sometimes his punctuality made me angry, because it had it's effect on my sleep, but since it meant keeping my good girl image for all the important people, I never even thought about complaining. 

We walked out of my apartment building. Just because I had plenty of money didn't mean I had to have multiple mansions across the country, or even one of them. I preferred  my cosy apartment with a kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom. The apartment was quite far from being small, since it was took floor and had pool in it. Most of my apartment was covered with glass windows that allowed me to see the beautiful view at the ocean. As much as I hated to admit, but having a house would make me feel lonely. Even the size of the apartment did, but my aunt insisted on me living here, since "celebrities should living in a place that is similar to their popularity level". 

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