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Yeah I knew that you saw me

You laughed when I looked back

I thought I'd given up

Now I didn't feel so bad

And then a shock went through me

And then I walked right back

/Do you - Spoon/

Elena's POV

"This is certainly not the first idea that came in my mind when you said we should celebrate," Jack said, looking quite amused and surprised. 

"I know," I said as the corner of my mouth lifted, "it's just that because of my popularity I can't hang out in public places without my face being on the cover of magazines the next day."

"Ready?" I grinned, making my way around the tree slowly, as he stepped back slowly, knowing he had nowhere left to go from the small platform we were on. 

He looked incredibly frightened, "Don't you dare! El, don't come any closer, I swear I'll-"

Pushing him before he could even finish the sentence was something I had been doing for the past 2 hours. I watched as he disappeared in the forest, zip lining to the next checkpoint and screaming like a little girl. It's quite obvious I had also been laughing my ass off at this guy too. 

"I hate you!" He shouted from far ahead,but I couldn't see the place yet, "okay, I'm all set, your turn!"

He didn't need to tell me twice. I quickly connected the gear with the cable. As I looked down I noticed how high we were, I could barely see the ground. You can do this Lena, it's all in your head, all in your head, you can do this. In case you were wondering, yes, I was in fact afraid of heights, terrified actually. Did that stop me from doing this? Hell no. Why? You would have to experience it to know why. As I stepped from the platform into the air, I quickly started moving, trees disappearing behind me, my hair being all over the place. I was flying, I was breathing, I was screaming out of joy, I was living. This is the feeling I strived for always. 

Next thing I know, Jack caught me on the next checkpoint. I had forgotten to slow down by using the other hand, therefor I would have slammed right into the hard mattress covering the tree if it wasn't for him. 

Still, I somehow couldn't stop grinning, "that was awesome!" 

He laughed at my expression, slowly moving to the next cable,"since when are you this wild and adventurous?" 

I laughed awkwardly. If only I knew myself. 

He changed the topic, realizing something was off, "do you do this often?" 

I cocked my head, "Nope, it's my first time. Why?"

His jaw dropped, as he said a little bit too loudly, "for real?" 

"Just go already, I am missing adrenaline," I smiled.

He turned and winked before sliding off, "don't take too long."

I smiled to myself, wincing slightly as my head started hurting.


My phone was ringing. I groaned, not wanting to move from the comfortable position in bed and the arms holding me. It wouldn't stop ringing. 

Slightly moving up from the chest I was sleeping on, I placed a few small kisses from the chest to neck and whispered in the ear of the person, "babe, I'll be right back."

The person shifted, waking up slightly, embracing me tighter as I had my head on his shoulder. I quickly slid out of the bed, took my ringing phone and headed to the door. 

Before I walked out of the room, I could hear a husky deep voice saying: "don't take too long," which made me smile to myself as I answered the phone.

The pain stopped and so did the memories. I blinked a couple of times not knowing what to make out of it. Who was the person? Why was the voice so familiar? I wished I could of seen his face.

"Hey! What are you doing there so long?" Jack shouted from the end of the zip line, making me snap out of my thoughts. 

"Coming!" I yelled back.

Connecting the gear with the cable I once again stopped out in the air and enjoyed the feeling of feeling so much yet nothing at the same time once again for the 20th something time today. I looked up seeing the beautiful sky, so blue and pure. I looked down and saw the trees, ground coming closer and closer. And then I looked forward and saw him, standing there smiling and waiting for me in front of the waterfall, not to mention looking undeniably handsome too. I smiled back, not really knowing what was going on anymore. My mind just turned into a mess. Being quite far from understanding why I am where I am, why I am what I am. Confusion isn't even the right word for it. I knew everything, yet couldn't put the pieces together. It was like it was there, right in front of me, but I couldn't reach it.

My feet touched the ground, putting this crazy zip lining adventure behind us. Jack ran to me, unlocking the gear from the cables. He was close, too close. As he was working on undoing the safety belts around my body, I just stared at him, I could smell in his scent, I could feel him right there. It was so familiar. 

He finished, smiling "there, all done for my lady," he looked up, realizing I had been staring at him the whole time. 

I was standing there, my mouth opening and closing, brows furrowed and the next moment with a straight face. Somehow I fixed my gaze on his arm, reaching out and intertwining our fingers together. Now I simply stared at our hands completely confused, my brows once again furrowed.

Jack raised his other hand, placing it underneath my chin as I looked up at his sad expression. Once again I looked at our hands, taking a step back, shaking my head. 

"Sorry, I think I got light headed from the ride," I smiled, laughing, hoping he'd just go along with it. 

He seemed conflicted, then smiling and shaking his head, "it's okay, I understand. Should we go?"

"Piggy back ride!" I shouted before jumping on his back.

We spent the walk to the car in a comfortable silence. 

"Guess what?" I said, few minutes into the ride. 


"Our celebration isn't over" I smirked. 

He turned his head, quickly looking at me before turning focusing on the road, "what have you got planned?"

"Priorities first - I need M&M's, so take me to the market."

He laughed at me, "your wish is my command."

More than friends, less than loversحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن