Do Suburban Areas Exist?

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I've always pictured the Octonauts having some sort of Suburban life in their world because unless the Octonauts just happen to be the only ones with great IQs, there really should've been creatures to teach them about maths/science/medicine beforehand in a city or a place with other animals

I mean, I assume Peso would have gone to medical school and gotten a diploma to be able to be a certified doctor.

Unless he's super smart, he would've read books. So who wrote the books?!!?!? I mean have you guys seen Inkling's library? WHO WROTE THE BOOKS? How did they print out the copies? Did they build printers?

So how many other creatures like the octonauts are out there? Do they know about engineering or medicine or science? If so, how? They couldn't have done it on their own? There would've been cities in which they lived and thrived in, right?

So far, in Above and Beyond, we have not seen any city life. I understand this is because they are trying to focus on the aspect of teaching children about the natural world, but it can't be just me that wants to know if that is really all there is.

In episode one, Paani seemed to know beforehand about helicopters and that you are able to fly them. So he tried to fly it based on previous knowledge on helicopters. Where did this previous knowledge come from? So who else flies helicopters in this world? Where and why?

So, now the question lies: What sort of creatures live in suburban areas if they do exist? Creatures like the octonauts maybe? Wearing clothes and walking on two legs? Why are they more advanced than some creatures? I'd love the idea of the octonauts walking around a mall to buy food every month or so. There is so much interesting, underlying knowledge that we don't know and I find it pretty interesting. 

So what are your thoughts? 👇👇👇👇

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