Road trip Pt. 3

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YES PART THREE IS FINALLY HERE! If you don't know/remember what's been happening, make sure to read part 1 and 2 which are a few chapters up.

Today Kwazii's driving and Dashi is in shotgun. We'll get to see what antics ensue. Hope you all enjoy!

The crew have now taken a quick pit stop at a lookout to have a stretch and to change seats. 

*Ryla stretches and yawns*

Ryla: Mm . . . Two hours of straight driving can do something WILD to your back I'm telling you.

Barnacles: It's always worth it for the destination.

Shellington: Hey Dashi . . . . I don't suppose you have another note book for me to use?

Dashi: What happened to the other one I gave you?

Shellington: *sheepishly smiles and rubs the back of his neck* I kinda filled the whole thing up with random licence plates and doodles ._.

Dashi: *shakes her head and smiles* Alright here. *opens her sparkly backpack and hands him another small notebook*

Shellington: Thank you so much :DD

Dashi: No problem! But next time Shell, remember to bring more than one thing to keep you entertained. *giggles and walks over to the lookout of the mountain*

Shellington: Haha, got it. *walks over next to her to admire the view*

Tweak: *leans on the railing* You don't see this everyday . . . .

Dashi: *taking photos* I'll say!

Kwazii: *tiptoes towards them*

Kwazii: Hey guys? Sooo, I was thinking . . . I believe it would be a great idea if you all let ME drive next.

*everyone freezes and looks at Kwazii*

Paani: Oh yes! That sounds like fun!

Everyone else: . . . . .

Dashi: Um, Kwazii, remember what happened on our LAST road trip?

Tweak: We were lucky to come out of the van with our FUR still intact.

Inkling: We're still paying for the structural damage to this day.

Kwazii: *waves at them dismissively* Yeah, yeah, but that was the TREE'S fault for being in my way!

Tweak: And the bus stop, and the shopping centre, and the beaver dam-

Tweak: -Gosh, were those beavers mad.

Peso: I don't want to be rude but, you were SOMEHOW more reckless than Shellington!

Shellington: Can't argue with that.

Ryla and Paani: . . . .

Kwazii: Oh please let me drive, captain!! Please, please, please, PLEASE!!

Kwazii: I promise I'll be a lot safer on the road!! Pirate's honour!!

Barnacles: . . . .

Barnacles: Alright fine. But the second you start mucking around, I'm gonna drive.

Kwazii: YESSSSS *fist bumps the air* WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?! LET'S GOOO!!

*everyone disappointedly walks to the van*

Dashi: *waves her camera in the air* What? but I haven't finished taking-

Kwazii: *starts the engine* Hurry up matey, we haven't got all day!!

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