Homework (One-shot)

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Dashi's little sister tries to teach Peso's little brother about homework >:)

*in Shellington's lab*

Pinto: But I don't get it . . . are you saying that if you write a bunch of letters and add 'em up and stuff, you can find an answer to a question??

Koshi: Well yeah, you should know this Pinto . . . I thought you learnt algebra in class. . . ?

Pinto: Hey, don't blame me that my teacher's voice makes everyone FALL ASLEEP! I don't even remember half the material we did LAST year because of his mumbling! 

Koshi: So . . . . . you don't know what algebra is?

Pinto: I thought it was like a country in North Africa?

Koshi: . . . .

Koshi: No that's ALGERIA!

Koshi: *exasperated sigh*

Koshi: Open your math book and I'll teach you what ALGEBRA is.

Pinto: *opens math book and yawns*

Koshi: Okay. Do you know what the letters are?

Pinto: Um. Yeah? They're letters. Duh??

Koshi: Yeah, but they are substitutes for numbers that we don't know.

Koshi: Here's an example in the book: Solve 'x' if '5x + 2 = 27'

Pinto: *slams giant math book shut* UGHHHHH THIS IS BORINGGGGG

Koshi: *opens it again* Pinto, I can't help you unless you try to focus!

Pinto: I can't "focus" >:(

Koshi: No, obviously not.

Koshi: How much homework did your teacher give you today?

Pinto: I don't know . . . like eight pages?

Koshi: How much of it did you do?

Pinto: None . . . ?

Koshi: What about yesterday? How much did you do?

Pinto: Not a page :/

Koshi: Last weeks set work?

Pinto:  *shrugs*

Koshi: Last MONTH?

Pinto:  . . . .

Koshi: PINTO!

*Barnacles walks in*

Barnacles: What's with all the noise in here, you two?

Koshi: Pinto is being stupid.

Pinto: AM NOT!

Koshi: ARE TO!

Pinto: UGHHH!

Barnacles: Settle down! What's the issue?

Koshi: Pinto isn't doing his homework!

Pinto: I don't understand it :(

Barnacles: What don't you understand?

Pinto: Algebra. It's so hard and complicated!

Barnacles: Algebra isn't hard! Would you like me to teach you?

Pinto: Yes please!

Koshi:  . . . .

Barnacles: You seem like a very visual learner! How about instead of explaining it to you, I show you?

Barnacles: Let's use some of Shellington's experiment flasks shall we?

Barnacles: What's the first question in your book?

Pinto: Solve 'x' if '5x + 2 = 27'

Barnacles: Alright. So far all we know is that 'x' represents any possible number. Let's take this beaker for example and call it 'x'

*pulls out one of Shellington's science flasks*

Barnacles: We know that there is five of 'x' So there are five beakers *pulls out four more beakers*

Barnacle: The two represents the actual number two. Let's take . . . . two of these petri dishes?

Barnacles: Five beakers + two petri dishes is equal to 27. We have to figure out how much is one beaker. Any ideas?

Pinto: Ummmm you could take away the two and divide the amount of beakers with the answer?

Barnacles: Correct! Five beakers is equal to 25

Barnacles: 25 divided by five is 5 so one beaker is 5

Pinto: that means 'x' is five! :D

Barnacle: Good job! See? It's not that hard!

Pinto: Thanks Captain Barnacles! *hugs*

Barnacles: Any time :D

Koshi: *shocked*

Koshi: *offended*

Koshi: I was LITTERALLY gonna teach you that! Why didn't you just listen to me!??!

Pinto: I don't know? Maybe it's because you sounded a lot like my boring math teacher?

Koshi: *even more offended*

Koshi: Don't even THINK about asking me for help again!

Barnacles: Koshi, do you need help with maths homework?

Koshi: No. Just saying, I'm a straight A student and I don't NEED help.

Barnacles: *chuckles* Okay, just wondering.

*Shellington Walks in and yawns*

Shellington: Oh hey Captain, Koshi and Pinto~~

Shellington: Wait- CAPTAIN KOSHI AND PINTO?!

Shellington: What are you three doing in my lab? It's nearly 10 in the night! And why are you playing with MY beakers?

Everyone: . . . 

Pinto and Barnacles: Maths homework?

Shellington: . . . 

Shellington: Eh, fair enough.

Shellington: Do you have any questions for me?

Pinto: I have one! Why shouldn't you be afraid of doing algebra?

Everyone: ???

Shellington: Why, pinto?

Pinto: *holds in laughter*


Everyone: . . . 

Koshi: -_- That's enough Pinto chaos for today*walks off*

Barnacles: Yeah . . . good night you three!

Pinto: Whaat! C'mon, guys! You HAVE to admit that was funny!

Shellington: Um you should leave.


Shellington: No, I mean, this is my room . . . ? I sleep here . . . ?

Pinto: Oh U-Uh I knew that 😅 *picks up homework and leaves the room*

Shellington: Hey Pinto?

Pinto: Yeah?

Shellington: Hope all of your dreams have a POSITIVE outcome ;)

Pinto: *gasp*

Pinto: Math puns >:)

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