Dashi for YOU: Beauty Tips Ft. Tweak (One-shot)

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*fixes Camera*

Dashi: Good morning Dashi for YOUers! Today I'll be giving you the secret to my natural good sense of style and good looks. It's as simple as 3 easy steps! Sounds too good to be true? You'd be surprised. Before we get started, I'd like to introduce my co-worker and BEST friend: Tweak!

Tweak: 'sup

Dashi: Now Tweak's actually here to help us out with showcasing a few of our tips and tricks I'm sure she's very excited to get started :D

Tweak: I'm perfectly THRILLED :/

Dashi: Yayyy :DD

Dashi: So what's our first Tip Tweak?

Tweak: Hm?

Tweak: O-oh That's my cue

Tweak: *holds up a large piece of paper in front of her face*

Tweak: *clears throat and inhales*

Tweak: Well. Dashi. Skin care. Is. An. Essential. Part. Of. An. Octonauts. Nightly. Routine.

*looks at Dashi for reassurance*

*Dashi gives a thumbs up*

Tweak: So We. Have. Just. The. Solution. For you.

Dashi: This may sound a bit unorthodox but you guys, this is the reason my face is always flawless. No blemishes whatsoever and you can have that for yourselves too!

Dashi: Just grab a bit of seaweed and give it a good grind. Pop it in the microwave for 20 seconds and add half a table spoon of water. Add a bit of lemon and salt and use this new scrub every night. You'll start to see results almost INSTANTLY!

Dashi: Tweak here will show us how it's done!

Tweak: Ew it feels so gross

Dashi: There we go! I can see all of her numerous blemishes and facial mishaps decreasing in an instant!

Tweak: -_-

*washes scrub off*

Dashi: How do you feel?

Tweak: Like I just put effing seaweed on my face?

Dashi: That's what we love to hear!!! 👁️👄👁️

Dashi: Now for our second Beauty tip, I'm going to show you how to dress like a queen and be the girl boss your crew needs you to be

Dashi: Not that Tweak Isn't already a girl boss (She's killing it) I juuuust think we need to spice up her dressing game!

*Tweak picks up paper again*

Tweak: Us. Girls. Should dress according to. Body shape. I am a rectangle.

Tweak: Sorry? What?

Dashi: Oh! That's your body shape! You're a rectangle!

Tweak:  . . . . 

Tweak: And how do you know this?

Dashi: Well I mean I matched you to the correct type as best I can?

Tweak: So you analysed my body?

Dashi: ...

Tweak: ...

Dashi: I analyse everyone's body shapes.

Tweak: ...

Dashi: Anyway, moving on! I'm a pear shape, so I like to wear pants where the skinniest part of my body is around my waist. That way, I have that sleek, hourglass sort of look!

Dashi: As stated before, Tweak is a rectangle so she would look best with maybe a denim romper or a wrap around dress.

Tweak: Gotta say. I'm liking the romper :)


Tweak: No

Dashi: Our Final Tip for today's video is ultimate concealer colour!!!




Dashi: Well If I did, you wouldn't have agreed to do it now would you?

Dashi: Matching the concealer to the tone of you skin can be quite tricky but the best way to go about it is to paint some on you hand first to see if it matches. I have a palette of light brown to a very dark brown for all of you fabulous girls out there

Dashi: (Drop a makeup order at my website in the link below)

Dashi: Tweak gimme your paw and we'll see which shade of brown suits you best

Tweak:  . . . . 

Dashi: . . . . .

Tweak: My paws effing green you idiot

Dashi: Oh.

Dashi: Oh dear.


Dashi: Not to worry! I'll just get out my RAINBOW palette

Dashi: (Which you can ALSO buy using the link below ;D)

Dashi: Hold still and stop wriggling.


Dashi: You can deal with soot and grease, I'm sure you can deal with a bit of makeup!


Dashi: OKAY found it! This is your shade of green!

Dashi: It took a lot of effort.

Dashi: But we found it ._.

Tweak: What. It looks invisible.

Dashi: Yeah. Because it's concealer.

Tweak: That's so stupid

Dashi: No. It's concealer.

Dashi: It's meant to cover blemishes

Tweak: Why do you need it? You get rid of blemishes with your seaweed thing, don't you

Dashi:  . . . . 

Dashi: 👁️👄👁️

Dashi: *existential crisis noises*

Tweak: Welp y'all I hope you learnt something new in todays livestream. I'm not doing any of it but I hope you do to help my bestie get views.

Dashi: *still triggered*

Tweak: She's beautiful. You're beautiful, and remember you'll only beautiful if you feel beautiful ;)


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