But I thought she liked me (One-shot)

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When Tweak gets a little jelly about Ryla's friendship with Dashi :(((

*walks into the octopod*

Dashi: *giggles* Ryla, your FACE when you fell into the water: Absolutely golden! I SO wish I could've taken a photo of it XD 

Ryla: Well I only fell into the water because someone decided to ride their surfboard into me while I was hitting a good wave. I still have the bruise on my hip to prove it 

Ryla:*pokes it* OW 

Dashi: Aww sorry about that *bear hugs*

Ryla: Not in the side, not in the side 😬

Dashi: I guess we're both even anyway because I swallowed a massive amount of water XD

Ryla and Dashi: Hahaha!

Tweak: Hey guys.

Dashi: Oh, hiya Tweak!

Ryla: *chuckles* Hey there cotton tail~

Tweak: So . . . . Um. . . Where have you two been . . . . ?

Dashi: We were just on shore doing some surfing. 

Tweak: Surfing huh? Sounds like fun!

Dashi: REALLY fun! For your information, I caught more waves than this old wombat did >:)

Ryla: No you did NOT! Need I remind you who taught you how to surf in the first place?

Dashi: Yeah you're right. You were always a terrific surfer. Oh gosh, that reminds me of my very first surfing lesson with you!

Ryla: You fell off the board more times than I could count.

Dashi: And after that, I drank like ten gallons of water

Dashi: Looking back on today, not much has changed since then, huh? XD

Tweak: I didn't know you taught Dashi to surf? I always assumed she just knew how to?



Ryla: You made his nose TOTALLY lopsided!

Dashi: I thought that was you XDDDD

Dashi: RIP Snookie, you will be missed.

Tweak: *stands blinking awkwardly*

Dashi: Oh um . . . sorry. Inside joke.

Tweak:  . . . 

Dashi: Tweak are you okay? Your eyes are red D:

Tweak: *sniffs* Oh yeah . . . w-whatever . . It's nothing *quickly wipes the tears forming in her eyes*

Dashi: Tweak? What's the matter? Come here . . *hugs*. . You know you can talk to me, right? 

Tweak: *inhales* No, um it's not that . . .  it's just, Kwazii crashed the gup B again. Um . . . Into a rock this time. *exhales*

Ryla: Aw that little bugalug can't go a day without breaking something can he? 

Dashi: Right . . . Well . . . I'm here if you need me okay? We're gonna have a shower because as you can see, we are absolutely COVERED in sand XD

Tweak: *chuckles* y-yeah

*Stills continues to talk on their way up the ladder*

Dashi: That reminds me, How in the world am I meant to wash all of this out of my fur ? It's gonna be like getting glitter out after a school concert!

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