Breaking Bones (One-shot)

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*Peso is wrapping Tweak a cast in the sick bay*

Peso: So, let me get this straight. You tried to reach an empty barrel of oil that was on the top shelf . . . in the storage cupboard . . . in the launch bay?

Tweak: Yep.

Peso: And you didn't realise that the barrel wasn't actually empty but FULL to the brim?

Tweak: Uh huh.

Peso: So while you were trying to grab it, you fell down and the FULL barrel FELL off the shelf and onto your leg?

Tweak: Yeah you just about nailed it *sheepish smile*

Peso: . . .

Peso: *concerned sigh* Tweak-

Tweak: I know, I know and I'm sorry. I should've been more careful.

Tweak: Please don't be mad?

Peso: I'm not mad Tweak, I'm just worried about you. You've literally fractured your leg and you're acting like that's a normal thing for you!

Tweak: If it makes you feel better, I promise I'll try not to break my other three limbs?? :')

Peso: I really hope so haha. Anyway, your plaster cast is finished and in the colour orange! Here's a sticker for being such a great patient! *gently places a sticker on her cast*

Tweak: Haha Thanks, Peso! . . . so how long will this take to heal?

Peso: Considering the size of the fracture, I would say . . . six to eight weeks for it to fully heal?


Peso: I know it may seem like a long period of time but-


Peso: Yes and unfortunately, you can't go on missions with us during that time period.


Peso: What? No?! You can still play video games, your hands aren't the broken ones?

Tweak: . . .

Tweak: Oh yeah, right. I knew that. 🥲

Peso: Alrighty, here are some crutches. Do you know how to use them?

Tweak: I think so!

Peso: Good, Now all I'm asking you to do for the next few weeks is to rest and recover. Get up for a walk around the octopod once in a while but please don't do anything that would be hard on your leg. Since you won't be able to use the octochutes and ladders very well, the others are gonna want to help you around so don't be embarrassed if you need help, okay?

Tweak: Alright. Thanks for everything Peso, you're a great friend! *hugs him*

Tweak: I'll be back on my feet faster than you can say buncha munchy crunchy carrots!

*Later that day in Tweak's room in the launch bay, Tweak is sitting on her bed*

Dashi: Aww Tweak! You poor thing! And it was your GOOD leg too!

Tweak: I know. . . and Peso says I can't go on missions until it's all healed. *sigh* It's fine. I'll be fine. I guess I'll just stay in here while you guys are all gone.

Dashi: Don't worry, we'll be here to look after you every step of the way, no matter what!

Tweak: Thanks Dashi!

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