The Weet-bix Challenge (One-shot)

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*part 2 of Camping :)))*

For those of you who don't know what weet-bix is, it's basically an Australian breakfast snack that you dunk in milk to eat. Otherwise it's basically rock hard and really dry XD

During my school camp, we did the weet-bix challenge and lemme tell you, I did not do very well. XDDD

Dashi: *stretches* Aw, Ryla, these tents really do a number on your muscles

Ryla: You said it *cracks back*

Paani: Morning ladies *crunches on a mouthful of cereal*

Peso: Paani? You're up early! *unzips tent*

Paani: The early bird gets the worm. And by the worm I mean first choice of breakfast haha.

Kwazii: Oi, make sure to save some cornflakes for me you scallywag

Paani: Only if your wings are faster than mine

Tweak: Ughhhh how are you guys UP so early? it's literally 5am

Ranger Marsh: C'mon, up and at 'em Tweakster. All of your friends here awake!

Tweak: But Paaaaaaa~

Ranger Marsh: I have the last piece of carrots and toast~~

Tweak: Oh don't you DARE!

*runs up and snags his piece of bread*~

Tweak: Always was better at jumping than you ;)))

Kwazii: Ugh Ryla, why are you eating Weet-bix? It's so stale and gross

Ryla: Dunno what your talking about. Weet-bix is bonza

Shellington: I beg to differ! It isn't sweet even if it's dunked in milk!

Ryla: Well I know a way I can get you lot to eat a piece of weet-bix

Paani: Uh oh- she has that face

Dashi: Which one?

Paani: The plotting face

Ryla: Have you mates ever heard of the weet-bix challenge?


Ryla: *chuckles* Alright. Basically, instead of eating weet-bix with milk, you eat it plain, dry and crispy. Whoever eats it the fastest, wins.

Kwazii: Too easy. I could down four of those in a MINUTE.

Ryla: It's not as easy as you think. Especially when you try to swallow really dry flakes and you can't produce enough saliva to make it soft. But what do I know? I'm the all time reigning champ at the challenge of course.

Paani: Okay, okay. I'm in, I've eaten many weird things in my lifetime. This shouldn't be the worst.

Peso: I'll watch from the side lines ;)

Tweak: Bet You ten bucks, that I'll beat you Kwaz

Kwazii: Try me, Rabbit

Dashi: I've tried it once. Almost threw up. Not afraid to give it another go >:)

Shellington: I'm only doing this for science guys!

Barnacles: This is going to be interesting

Ryla: Alright everyone. Welcome to the very first, official Octonauts Weet-Bix challenge

Ryla: Please take one piece of Weet-Bix. The rules are simple. No water or milk may be drunk. Just dry weet-bix. The fastest muncher . . .  . doesn't have to clean up breakfast today!

Ryla: On your marks

Ryla: Get set

Ryla: GO!

Paani: *stuff  THE WHOLE piece into his mouth*

Ryla: Oh mate, that's really not the best way- 

Paani: *gags* Ohf wahtf Tjhis is wike eatingf druy cemnent

Tweak: *legit nibbling on the weet-bix like a . . . rabbit*

Tweak: AAAA I really need water.

Dashi: *sweating*

Barnacles: Haha keep going Shellington.

Peso: Oh dear, his face looks red :((

Barnacles: Don't feel bad, Peso. They did this to themselves :)


Ryla: Nice job mate, 1 minute 58 seconds!

Tweak: DONE!

Ryla: 2 minutes 12 seconds!


Ryla: Kwazii you got 2 minutes 34 seconds!

Ryla: And everyone else, well done, maybe you'll win next time


Paani: I can't believe I actually won :D

Shellington: Science tells me this was never meant to beee XO

Shellington: Great job though! I guess this means you don't need to clean up breakfast!

Paani: I'll help you guys anyway :D

Peso: That's so nice of you, Paani!

Tweak: Um Guys . . . . Dashi's still going

*face really red*

Ryla: You good there Dash? 

Dash: . . . . . mHm . . . . 

Kwazii: Yer mouth glued shut or something?

Dash: *shakes head* 

Kwazii: You need water?

Dashi:  *nods head* . . . .MMM . . . .

Dashi: *spits out weet-bix in a nearby bush*

Dashi: ughhh

Dashi: I forgot how HARD this was


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