Inkling's Lost his Monocle (One-shot)

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In the library

Inkling:  *mutters* blasted thing *mutters* Where could it have gone?!

Min: Hey Inky, decided to come over to the Octopod to check in on everyone and-

Min: Are you okay? You look . . . different today.

Inkling: Well you see Min, I-

*Walks over to Inkling and rubs chin thoughtfully*

Min: Let me guess . . . New shampoo? >:)

Inkling: Shampoo? What-

Min: Haha, I'm only joking!

Min: But seriously? You look different . . . Is it your bowtie? Was your bow-tie always blue?

Inkling: Yes, my bowtie was always blue. Now I'm starting to think you don't pay much attention to my looks :/

Min: *sheepish grin*

Inkling: *sigh* Anyway, what I've been trying to tell you is that I've lost my monocle and I'm absolutely gutted! 

*Kwazii front flips into the library*


Kwazii: Matey! That's like me losing my EYEPATCH! This really IS gutting!

Inkling: I don't suppose any of you have seen it lying around somewhere?

Min: No, sorry Inky :(

Kwazii: Nope.

Kwazii: Why do you have a monocle for only one eye anyway? Why don't you just buy some glasses?

Inkling: *leans on his chair* I actually have an astigmatism in my left eye only, Kwazii.

Kwazii: Astigma-what-ism?

Min: Astigmatism. It's when there in an imperfection on the curvature of an eye.

Inkling: It's terribly aggravating.

Kwazii: So what? If you close the other good eye, it'll look weird through yer bad eye but if you close the bad eye, everything will look fine through the good eye?

Min: Pretty much.

Kwazii:  . . .


Inkling and Min: ????

Inkling: I'm sorry. I'm not sure that you heard but I've lost my monocle. That I use . . . . to SEE things?!

Kwazii: I know! But WHILE we look for it, you can just wear one of my eyepatches. You'll be able to see fine out of yer other good eye!

Inkling: Oh . . . that doesn't sound like such a bad idea?

Min: Kwazii, you're a GENIUS!

Kwazii: Oh please, I KNOW >:)

Kwazii: Have you been to my room much Professor?

Inkling: Now that you mention it, I don't think I've seen your room since last Halloween XD

Kwazii: Well yer in luck. Come with me!

In Kwazii's room

Kwazii: My spare eye-patches have got to be around here somewhere *throwing things around*

Inkling: Oh dear . . . Kwazii! You're room is-

Kwazii: Disorganised? Cluttered? Yeah, The captain tells me that every night. Personally, I find it easier to find things this way.

Min: Really? If it's so easy to find your stuff, why don't I see those eyepatches you were talking about?

Kwazii: . . .

Kwazii: shut up.

Inkling: I hope I didn't drop my monocle on the floor! Oh dear, what if someone stepped on them?

Min: You of all octonauts would be the last one to leave your things lying on floor, Professor!

Inkling: I guess you're right. My memory just isn't what it used to be :(

Kwazii: Found 'em! Now hold still why I put this on yer head.

*puts the eyepatch on Inkling*

Inkling: So? How do I look?

Kwazii: Like a TRUE pirate, matey!

Inkling: Not the particular look I was going for XD

Min: I think you look great Inky :)

Inkling: Why thank you!

Min: Now c'mon let's look for your monocle.


Dashi: *sipping on some coffee* No. I'm telling you, Todoroki is SO hot, I'm literally such a simp for him

Tweak: Well I'M a stan for Bakugo so he wins on this one >:)

Tweak: Okay how about . . . Stranger Things?

Dashi: Steve Harrington

Tweak: Steve Harrington



*Inkling Kwazii and Min run into HQ*

Kwazii: Are you guys busy?

Tweak: No

Dashi: Yes

Kwazii: What? Whatever, I don't want to know. Inkling's monocle has gone missing and we've been searching for AGES, have you both seen it anywhere?

Dashi: No? *sips on coffee* is that why the professor's wearing your eyepatch?

Inkling: Unfortunately, yes.

Min: It's okay Inky! if it comes to it, we can just get you a new prescription monocle

Inkling: I guess you're right. *shuffles in his chair*


Everyone: . . .

Tweak: Woah there, Kwazii you're getting so old, I can hear your joints cracking XD

Kwazii: Tweak . . . those aren't my joints-

Inkling: *pulls out his broken monocle from under his chair*

Inkling: Oh bother . . .

Tweak: You were sitting on it . . . this whole time? -_-

Inkling: *aggravated sigh* Yes. I was sitting on it. This whole time.

Min: . . .

Min: Looks like I'm taking you to get a new prescription after all :')

Inkling: Hopefully they still sell monocles. I've had this pair for over a decade now!

Dashi: *spits out coffee*

Dashi: OVER TEN YEARS?! I think it really is high time to get your eyes tested!!

Kwazii: Or, guys hear me out, he can just wear the eye-patch and we can be pirate buddies together! :D

Inkling: . . .

Inkling: No.

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