The Awards Party (One-shot)

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The octonauts and octo-agents get ready to go to an awards ceremony 

*In the HQ*

Dashi: Guys, just a reminder that we have an hour left to get ready until the awards ceremony starts and I DON'T want us to be late!

Dashi: Mainly because the bar reception opens at 8pm on the dot and I really don't want to miss out on the wine tasting. . . .

Paani: Sooo. . ? How do I look? *leans against the dashboard* Does my new black coat say: "Hey there, Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you've got 'fine' written all over you." ?

Kwazii: Uh no? But your wonky bow-tie is saying: "I'm an awkward delinquent who is terrible at pick up lines." >:)

Paani: -_-

Paani: Real funny.

Kwazii: I'm kidding! Let me fix that for you matey. *fixes bow-tie*

Paani: Thanks, to be honest, I'm not the best at tying bow-ties.

Paani: *sniff*

Paani: *sniff sniff*

Paani: Is that women's perfume . . .?!

Kwazii: *blushes* Uh n-no-? It's . . . It's my new special cologne! For men!

Min: *sniff sniff* That is definitely women's scent

Pearl: *sniff sniff*

Pearl: Kwazii did you take my perfume?

Kwazii: NO I DIDN-

Pearl: >:(

Kwazii: *sigh* Okay, okay fine, I stole it from your waist pouch. *stammers* but only because Dashi will KILL me if I go to the ceremony smelling like old driftwood and sea-salt.

Pearl: *giggles*

Shellington: Pearl you look wonderful!

Pearl: You too Shell! You look so handsome! Are you ready to socialise? >:)

Shellington: I will never be ready to socialise. In fact, I was considering taking off in one of the gups and not coming back until the party's over :(

Pearl: Oh stop worrying your kilt off, you'll be fine!

*In Peso's room*

Min: Awww! Nǐ hǎo kě'ài! Peso you look so adorable!

Peso: Oh . .

Min: What's the matter?

Peso: No, nothing. It's just . . . I've been to a big party before and all of the guests pinched my cheeks the whole time because they thought I looked cute. I thought that might change but I guess five years later, that is not the case hahaha XD

Min: Look on the bright side, at least they didn't call you ugly?

Peso: Hahaha, you're not wrong!

Peso: Your outfit looks so beautiful Min!

Min: Thanks! *twirls around* It's a traditional Chinese dress that my mother bought for my birthday. I Think it will be perfect for tonight!

Peso: You know, It just astounds me to even think that we're getting the highest level national award for Earth's protectors!

Min: Me too . . . it just feels like a dream! We've worked so hard, we deserve it!

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