The Tent Dilemma (One-shot)

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Just another little sequel to camping.

 After the canoe down the river, they pitch tents and "get some rest" for the next day of hiking XDD

*Ryla, Dashi and Tweak* 

Dashi: Ow ow ow, Ryla you're lying on my tail

Ryla: Sorry, Dash. Little too compact for comfort isn't it?

Dashi: I like it :) It's easier to cuddle this way *snuggles up against Tweak*

*Tweak sits up*

Tweak: guys where's the torch I can't see a thing-


Ryla: That, my friend, would be the torch :/

Tweak: Great. I've broken the torch. How are we supposed to SEE anything??

Dashi: Well we won't be doing much seeing other than seeing dreams tonight . . .

Tweak: But what if we need to go to the bathroom?

Ryla: Bring a bottle like I did.

Dashi and Tweak:  . . . .

Ryla: What?! I mean, who's actually bothered to go to outside and do their business?

Tweak: Someone with decency  . . .

Ryla:  . . .

Dashi: It's fine, we'll deal with it when we inevitably need to go. But for now, do you wanna play a game?

Tweak: Like what? I spy? Because I don't SEE that working out very well XDDD

Dashi: hahaha no. Let's play 'I went to the shops'!

Ryla: Okay! I'll start.

Ryla: I went to the shops and I bought . . . . a new torch XD

Tweak: I went to the shops and I bought a new torch . . . . and the gup B :)

Dashi: I went to the shops and I bought a new torch, the Gup B and . . . hm

Dashi:  six sick skinks >:)

Ryla:  . . . .

Tweak: Good luck with that one.

Ryla: I went to the shops and I bought a new torch, the Gup B and  . . .

Ryla: skicks snick sinks

Ryla: Sicks stinks spinks

Ryla: *confused noises*

Tweak and Dashi: *laughs*

Meanwhillleeee in Kwazii's tent XDDDD

Kwazii: And that's why I'm simply TELLING you that the government is run by the Russians and Natquik is their Russian spy~!!

Paani: EXACTLY! PLUS It's plain obvious that the government is just aliens in disguise! 

Peso: 😰

Kwazii: No!? The government is in KAHOOTS with the aliens but they aren't the aliens THEMSELVES, Paani.

Paani: I'll only believe it when I see it.😌

Kwazii: Who knows?! They could abduct us at any minute!

Paani: Especially since we're so vulnerable out here in the middle of nowhere!

Peso: *at his wits end*

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