Building {Jacko and Marsh} (One-shot)

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Calico Jack visits Ranger Marsh in the Everglades.

In the far away edges of the Everglades

Ranger Marsh: *Hammering a nail onto some wood*

*Squelching footsteps*

Calico Jack: Shiver me whiskers, all of this MUD is ruining me clothes . . . do ya know how much it cost to STEAL this peg-leg and boot?!

Ranger Marsh:  *ear twitches* Calico Jack? Is that you?

Calico Jack: You bet yer cotton-tail it's me . . . Me and all of this FILTHY gunk that is. . . . *mutters and shakes off the mess on his boot*

Ranger Marsh: Filth and gunk. That's the everglades for ya! *chuckles*

Ranger marsh: So what are you doing out here anyway?

Calico Jack: Tweak and Kwazii told me you were busy building something for the critters so I thought you'd like some company :)

Ranger Marsh: Well that's mighty kind of you! I could definitely use a paw! :)

Ranger Marsh: Oh uhh could you hand me that plank of wood over there?

Calico Jack: *whistles obliviously*

Ranger Marsh: Hello?

Ranger Marsh: Earth to Calico Jack?

Ranger Marsh: Could you pass me that plank of wood????

Calico Jack: Well you see-

Calico Jack: I said I'd keep you company, didn't say I came here to help Matey.  >:)

Ranger Marsh:  -_- 

Calico Jack: *chortles* no need to give me that look, I was only kidding! Here ya go *grunts*

*picks up the heavy piece of wood and hands it over to ranger marsh*

Ranger Marsh:  *rolls eyes and laughs*

Ranger Marsh: *hammers away*

Calico Jack: So . . . *examines the structure*

Calico Jack: What exactly are ya building matey?

Ranger Marsh: It's an emergency medical cabin/ first aid room :)

Ranger Marsh: Basically, if a creature ever gets hurt, they'll be able to treat themselves quickly without us having to run all the way over here to help them.

Calico Jack: Oh! That's really quite clever!

Ranger Marsh: Well thanks! *stands up and wipes sweat off his forehead*

Ranger Marsh: I mean, If you know how to hold a hammer, have great precision and perseverance, you can build anything you want to!

Calico Jack: I could but not as well as you >:)

Ranger Marsh: That's true . . . I can build anything you want me to XD

Calico Jack: Could you build a pirate ship?

Ranger Marsh: Well~ I've made a couple actually!

Calico Jack: No way . . . YER KIDDING-

Ranger Marsh: No, sir I am not! :D

Ranger Marsh: Actually . . . Come with me and I'll show you!

Back at Ranger Marsh's house in the middle of the everglades

Calico Jack: I understand what yer saying, but I just don't see how a REAL LIFE pirate ship could fit in yer house matey. . . .

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