2: "What are you staring at"

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i hate this chapter oh my god bye it's so cringe. EDITING IS IN PLACE EVERY CHAPTER FROM THIS PLACE ON!!!!

Her pjs above hehehe.....

I am going to be writing the third chapter and posting with this one so you guys have an actual decent chapter which I didn't write at 3 am, in my feels snacking on watermelon sour patch kids...
Averys pov:

It's a Saturday, my favorite day of the week and I plan to do nothing today. Back home I would go out with my friends and have fun and party but now I have nothing.

I haven't heard from my friend back home Lindsay in a bit maybe I should check up, she's not on her phone a lot.

I just send a sweet simple text "Hi how are u I miss you"


That was fast for her she normally takes 5 hours to respond to a text.


"Hi Avery!!!" I hear her say excitedly.

"Hey Linds, I miss you guys so much please come visit soon." I say truthfully.

"Jacob says hello and he misses you" Jacob was my long time crush back home, he never found out unless someone told him, which wouldn't doubt since I told Linds and she can't keep a secret. I've always liked him since he gave me a flower on the playground in kindergarten after I got pushed by a girl off the slide and he gave my bloody knee a kiss.

"You've been MIA for so long where you been" she says sounding disappointed Jacob agreeing and screaming "Text me I miss you" I turn slightly upset from not catching up more with them.

"I know i'm so sorry guys i've just been trying to settle in" I say holding back a sad sigh, " I miss my mom so much." I say immediately wiping away the tear formed.

"It's okay Av, I know you do baby. Just text us whenever, we're still always here for you! How's everything at school" she asks changing the subject knowing I hate crying.

"It's okay, i've made some friends-"

"Any cute guys" she says giggling and a noise from I assume is Jacob in the back.

"Y-yea kinda" I say feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Ooo get some hot men for us. Well Jacob is being annoying gotta go bye babe text me" she says before giving me a chance to say anything she hangs up.

I think i'm going to nap i'm so tired from staying up doing all my homework so I didn't have to worry over the weekend.

Greysons pov:

Fucking great. I push everything off my desk annoyed.

I have to go over to that girl Averys house to get my sister notes because apparently "It's to cold" and "I cant move my knees because they're locked from how cold it is".  Fucking dramatic bitch.

It's only 50 damn degrees. My sister is pathetic. No wonder why i'm the favorite she's a lazy bitch and doesn't do anything.

My sister gives me her address and I type it in and see that it's only 6 minutes away so I drive there.

Her house is nice, it's a modern cozy vibe to it mixed with greys ,whites, browns, and blacks and her place is decorated with halloween decor.

I walk up to her door and knock. No answer. So I decide to do the only reasonable thing and throw pebbles at her window until I see her look out the window and hear her running down the stairs.

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