30: Dane

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I'm so behind on my writing i've been so busy.

Pls fav!!!



Averys pov:

I sit there, my mouth open. Tears not in site, but yet pain spread throughout my entire body.

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I know I didn't do anything but cause pain, but I swear I thought I was protecting you. I know your mother wasn't my business-"

"Dane?" He looks at me weirdly, "Dane? that was her maiden name?" He shakes his head not getting where I am going with it.

I stand up running to my closet and throwing boxes everywhere, scattering clothes until I find the yellow crunched up envelope.

I pull the picture out, looking at it. The picture is of my mom, as a little girl, in a halloween costume and a man dressed in a batman costume with her. The mail box of the house saying 'The Danes'. 

"That's Elliot, Avery." I look at him, my heart dropping. It couldn't be true? Right? No way.

"I don't believe it." I throw the paper onto the bed.

"Did she leave you any type of earring before leaving." I pause the mention of the earrings, only way someone could know about those is if they gifted her them. The special earrings she wouldn't tell me who got them for her.

I nod, his head collapsing looking at the ground.

"Avery, I'm sorry. Its-"

"No! It can't be !!! My mom wasn't involved with your stupid mafia crap! She wasn't a bad person. She'd never ever hurt anyone or hold kids at gun point!!" I yell at him, but for some reason my whole body feels weird.

"You can't be sending me things Clemente." I hear my mom say on the phone whispering.

"Mommy can we play!?" She slams the door in my face and i'm left crying outside her door waiting for more attention.

I miss old mama, mama who used to play with me all the time.

Dada just works all the time now.

"What's Lionel's last name?" I shudder at the random memory I unlocked.

"Clemente, why?" I start to cry. My whole body falls to the ground and i'm met with Greysons strong arms. He kisses my head.

"It's okay Aves. It's okay." He shushes me and rubs my hair softly. "Everything's going to be alright please believe that."

I cry in his arms for awhile until all my tears are just no longer falling and my life feels like it's not even real.

"I wish I would've known sooner." I look back to see his eyes have tears built up, I rub his cheek.

"There wasn't any way for you to know Ave. And I'm so sorry for what I was saying, none of that was true. I'm sorry you see me as my father. You deserve so much better than me, just some broken dickhead." He laughs a little but I see the pain in his eyes as he says it.

"I didn't mean it. I mean I was mad but, you were hurting me so badly. And I just wanna face everything with you Grey. I want to have everything with you." I pause, "But I cant, because I'm not going to be treated badly because you can't just tell me the problems immediately. I wont be lied to."

"Please, another chance. I wont fail you." He takes my hand into his, "I want to protect you but in the way I should've before, by being by your side all the time. By making sure you get home safe, by kissing you goodnight, and being the first to say good morning. Angel, please." I feel more tears come to my eyes.

"It won't be that easy." He nods with a simple 'I know'. "do you think my dad knows?"

"No. I don't think he knows anything. I think we should keep it like that. I don't want your dad in danger because he knows, and I think he'd go crazy if he found out his little girl was in danger." He kisses my head again twirling my hair.

I nod in agreement, "You're right, thank you. For wanting to protect me, and telling me all of this."

"I'm just waiting for the day I can finally prove I'm good enough for you and capable of us." I turn and give him a small kiss and he smiles into it.

Maddy baby❤️: If Greyson is with you, please tell him mother is pissed off he's not home for the lasagna she made. She said you can come too! Pls come baby girl I miss you.

I laugh showing him the text and he looks at me before shaking his head.

"I want you to come, but we need to get there separately. We need to be extra careful about seeing each other. It was a risk taking my car here as it is." He stands up, "Get ready and come if you want. Also, there's a note and flowers downstairs for you, and new gym shorts." He smirks kissing my lips softly and walking out my door.

I slip on a pair of black leggings with a blue nike crew neck and a pair of black converse.

"Dear Angel,
I know you're mad. You have all the right to be. Just know one day ima make you my girl, you still are my girl though. Always will be. Never have I ever had a girl who made my heart beat so quick whenever she just stepped into a room or smiled. I hope I don't screw up again.

Like always,

I hope you don't either. Because I already know i'm falling in love.

Throwing on a black coat over this since it's been raining all day I leave my house and head.

"Hi sweetie! Oh it's been so long come here!" Grey and Maddys mom greets me at the door hugging me and I hug her tightly back. I love their mom she's so sweet.

I see Grey sitting there smiling softly at me. Maddy runs down the stairs and jumps on me.

"I've missed you so much!" She kisses my cheeks and forehead a thousand times until we're laughing on the ground and her mom yells at us to get up and eat.

The night is spent with small talks with Greyson, Maddy yelling at him, her mother separating them. And some board games.

My mother.. My mind keeps going to my mother. It wont stop.


Hope you enjoyed !!! i love you all

tiktok: teenwriterphase


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