39: ...first

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Averys pov:

Sitting in the waiting room.

Picking my nails. Grabbing harshly at my thighs. Cuddled up in a blanket while Eli holds me close trying to calm me down.

"It's not your fault"

"You just wanted him to go get ingredients Ave. It's not your fault." My dad speaks.

"Don't blame yourself Avery, please. That's the last thing daddy Grey Grey would want." Eli speaks softly into my ear trying to lighten the mood.

I crack a little smile letting it fall immediately.

Luke walks into the room wearing a pale, ghost expression along with Izzy and Peyton behind. He looks unsteady, and a sick green, very very green.

!!!!!Luke's pov:

"Open the fucking door Silvia." Silvia is Greysons dads girlfriend of the mom, i've been banging on this door for five minutes now.

I'm not stupid, I can hear her frantic moving around, I can hear the footsteps going upstairs and coming back down.

Fuck this. I slam my foot through the door, pulling it out roughly before flying the door open further. Walking into the room I feel myself let a smile come to my face at the way every light is off.

No one's in sight. Must've been scared.

Not the first time Mr. Mckay had gotten a visit from me.

Almost a year ago he was dating my mother, who is now dead.. I watched him one night as he hit my mother out of his anger, combined with drinking which he tried to beg her to stay and told her he wouldnt do it again.

I stepped into the room, thinking I could hold myself together. I was wrong.

My fist colliding with his face, gut, throat, and every other part of his body. Leaving him unconscious as my mother begged me to get off before I killed the man.

Greyson saw, and Greyson walked right out, saying something like "Sick bastard deserves it." to my mother.

After that... His dad never came around me or any of Greysons friends for that matter.

"Oh Silvia, did Mr. Shitface McKay tell you to hide if I ever came to the house looking for him?" I cough out a sigh hiding my laugh.

I check the downstairs rooms with my flashlight in hand. The downstairs is clear. I walk upstairs almost to the point of not hearing my heavy footsteps.

I'm a big guy, 6'6 250 lbs of pure muscle, it's surprising I can be this quiet.

Anddd there it is, the idiot move of an idiot person, leaving a door slightly cracked open thinking i'm going to go in there when she's not there.

I pretend to go into the door she left cracked open but get against the wall next to it. I see the door down the hall crack open slightly and watch as the sleek black haired woman walks out of the room running.

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