27: A Fucking Joke

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Tw: Violence


Averys pov:

"Elliot?" His tone was sharp, yet so much of it sounded like he didn't get what was happening.

Right now I don't get what's happening. Who is Elliot and why does Greyson seem like he's about to be killed?

"Surprise. Where's the other fucker?" He spits out as he steps forward and Greyson shoves both of us back more.

"Stay the fuck away. Is this a fucking joke?" I finally see his face from the street light, it holds anger, fear, confusion, a lot of fucking confusion.

"No prince charmin' it's not a joke. Now, you better not try some stupid game with me or so help me I will kill you and that bitch beside you faster than you can blink." I feel my eyes start to prick with tears, he's gonna kill me? Greyson? Who is this guy.

"Eli, what? Eli kille-" He's shut up by the chuckle of Elliot.

"Yea, yea. Elijah killed me, you watch it with 'your own eyes' blah blah blah. You are so easy to be set up, I mean so easy it wasn't even a challenge. I had a bullet proof vest on. You don't come unprepared to something you know was bound to happen. Your friend shot his gun, so I played dead. How did you not realize that? How did you not realize when those guards immediately disappeared, I went with them too?" He laughs once again stepping closer holding something beside him.

"How about you let the girl run away, and some advice for you beautiful," He turns to look at me peaking out from Greyson, "I'd run, far, far away from this man. Because he is not who you think he is. I'm sure your mother wouldn't want the same life she had for you."

I feel Greyson step foreword letting go of my arm he had a hold of, "You should go. Please run Avery. I'll call you later." He whispers to me.

"Who is he Greyson? Why does he know my mom?" I see his eyes look away from me and the glisten of them shining from the street light.

"Go." He stands up straight and yells at me. I flinch and see the worry flash through his eyes, but he masks it once again. I turn around and look back once more, his eyes, cold; mean. I run, I don't know how long ive been running for, but I know i'm running with the bottom of my feet aching.

Greysons pov:

Holy shit. Elliot? Are you serious.

He's right.

How did I not notice the clear signs of him not dying.

"What do you want? Why cant you ever just leave me and my friends alone." I stand tall, i'm hiding the fear I have. Although it seems to be more shock than fear.

"You want me to leave you guys alone? Not a chance. Not after the stunt your buddy Elijah pulled, and you tried to pull it too, huh? Maybe I should shoot you right here right now. And leave you stranded in the middle of this fucking alleyway." He laughs pulling something out of his pocket. An envelope?

He tosses it at me, I catch it. Cautiously I open the envelope and picture dump out. A fuck ton of pictures, all over the ground.

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