44: Idiot

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Averys pov:

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Averys pov:

Welp. Let me break it down on what went on for the past ten minutes.

I told Greyson, he screamed at me, then he called up Luke, Eli, Izzy, James and they all screamed at me. And now we're all taking shots in the kitchen.

So yeah! Anyways!

"Let's fucking go, drink it since you wanna be this new tough girl." My goodness shut the fuck up.

"Can you shut up." Oops said it out loud.

I down the shot after a second, holy shit what did he put in this. 

"What did you put in that." I say gagging and chugging sprite.

"Fireball, and Jagermeister." He says with ease, like he didn't just hand me a shot of death.

"Woo it's a party!!!" Eli screams grabbing me and spinning us.

I see Grey roll his eyes and cross his arms as he reaches inbetween us pulling me into his body. Warmth flies to areas I will not speak of right now.

"Meet me upstairs in ten."  He says before walking away. His back is so sexy.

Eli and I dance to Party In the USA by Miley, and then I head upstairs.

"Grey," I slur my words a bit as I turn the corner into the room, "I'm here." I say sitting on the bed as he walks out from around the corner.

Moments of silence pass over us, he puts his hand around me to keep me steady.

"Why'd you do that?" He says, his voice cracking a little as he looks up at me with teary eyes.

"What's wrong?" I say taking his hand in mine trying to sober up as fast as possible.

"What do you mean? You went and made a deal, with someone I told you is dangerous. No, i'm not mad that you are an independent woman and made your choice. You're great Avery, you're strong, you are powerful, but this, this is a mistake." He says calmly looking away lying back on the bed staying quiet.

"I don't understand." I say making my eyebrows raise.

"You will eventually." He says with no further explanation. My heart speeds up, suddenly all the drinks hit me, and I rush to the bathroom and throw it all up.

His hands touch my bare skin, sending shivers and he has my hair in his hands.

Something about right now makes me realize how big of a mistake I made. And now I wonder.

"Are you going to stay with me?" I look up at him wiping my face off, leaning against the wall.

"Avery, you're stupid if you think i'm not going to be by your side til the end. I already called, i'm back in the business." My heart sinks, no. This was not supposed to happen.

"What? No. You can't do that, I didn't take the deal for you to join back and be unhappy." I rush standing up but feeling dizzy he grabs onto me.

"Just listen, my whole life, from the time I joined Lionel, i've never wanted to be there I always wanted to leave. But I knew what I was doing was good, even if Lionel wasn't an amazing person. I still worked for the FBI and didn't need to spend years in college for the job. Until you came along, and I realized the danger you were put in. I left to protect you. I will join to protect you. Nothing can say in words the length I will go to protect you Avery." He smiles a little taking my hand.

"I love you." I say shaking my head and wiping off my tears.

"I love you more."


The next few days are spent finishing up finals. It's now officially summer, and I'm going abroad for June and July.

Lionel has also sent me information on cases in Italy where i'll be, it's gonna be interesting.

"God holy shit I hate school." Luke walks in falling onto the couch near my dorm bed and the rest of the guys walk in as well, Grey coming over to sit with me.

He pulls me onto him and kisses my cheek. "Heh ma, how were your last finals?"

I blush, "Good, sociology was cake, but the pre-law portion was horrid." I say smile softly kissing his cheek.

"You two excited for your little get away to Italy?" Izzy says smiling big at me, winking.

Oh yeah, he's coming along too.

"Super excited." I say with two thumbs up. Peyton throws my stuffed animal at me to put into the last box I was packing up. I give him a kiss before shoving him in.

I look over and see Greyson smiling at me with light in his eyes.

"So Eli, you treating my girl Izzy right to that trip to the Bahamas." I see his face turn red and he gets up tackling me, ok woah.

"Bahamas?" Izzy says as she looks over to us like she was waiting for an explanation.

"You didn't tell her?" James says hitting the back of his head as he helps us up.

Grey looks mad so I go sit with him kissing his forehead. He smiles.

Eli explains to Izzy and then begs her to go, obviously she agrees. She then looks at me and I apologize.


Lionel is calling..

"Sorry I have to take this." I say stepping into the hall, I feel presence behind me, Greyson.

"Hey Avery. The Italy trip is expanded, late August. The case grew. Apparently, uh, your father was working this one, and so was Clyde. As partners I suppose somehow." I sigh.

"Okay." I end the call I don't care to say bye.

"Trips expanded to late August."


A week later we arrive in Italy.

The place we're staying at is seriously a castle. It's gorgeous here. The first week we have off and we are planning to spend a bunch of time together now.

"Let it begin darling." Greyson says grabbing my hand and my suitcase.


Hope u enjoyed..
sorry for long wait.

mental health was shiittyyyyy

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