16: "Stop flirting with my man"

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Also ! Last chapter ended with Avery and Grey going out to do something, i'm not making it in this chapter because I had this chapter planned<3

I hope you guys love this chapter ;)

Averys pov:

It's currently Saturday, 4 pm and Eli is begging me to go to the store with him. Everyone is at his house; Izzy, Peyton, Sophie, Grey, Luke, and James. I also met Eli's older brother Jackson. He was trying to get my number but then Grey scared him off by glaring across the room, he was also 21...

We're all over here because it's Saturday Christmas Eve and we wanna celebrate together tomorrow. I got James for secret Santa and it was so hard finding something. I asked Eli and he said anything baseball so I ended up getting him a Los Angeles Dodgers jersey. It was so expensive, and I don't get why baseball has got to be the most boring sport.

"Eli seriously why cant you go alone, or ask Izzy." I send him a glare from on the ground where he threw me after I said no and took his pretzel away.

"I don't wanna go alone it's scary, and Iz is making cookies with James right now." He rolls his eyes and I see him show a little jealousy but quickly he hides it. Aww. Where's the gun?

"Greyyyy." I drag out looking over to him on the couch with fuckhead, sorry, Sophie and he turns his attention to me and she sends me a glare. Sorry babe he looked uninterested anyways.

"Yes, Hana?" How did he find out my middle name. My middle name came from my mother I guess from what my dad says. She was Arabic; it means happiness.

"Who's Hana, that's Avery." Sophie laughs putting her hand on his shoulder.

"It's my middle name," I look over at her and cringe a bit but hide it, "Anyways will you come to the store with Eli and I please." I look over to him and put my hands together in a praying manor as I stand.

He looks at me like i'm crazy, "Absolutely not." I walk over to him and plead for a couple minutes before he finally gives in.

"Ugh I wanna come too!" Sophie pouts up at him, bouncing on the couch making him look over at me and pull his lips into his mouth. He's one hundred percent trying not to laugh right now.

"No, bye." Eli says grabbing us both pulling us out in the snow as the coldness hits us.

The car ride there was short but fun. It consisted of Grey complaining about being thrown in the back, and then Eli and I shutting him up by singing One Direction. If you don't like One Direction I will never trust you.

"Alright we need to get candy and games for tonight, I already have Cards Against Humanity and Twister," Eli pauses to wink at us, "But we should find more. Why don't you two go find candy and i'll pick out some games."

We nod grabbing a cart and head towards the candy isle. It was silent but more of a comfortable silence.

"Okay James just texted me and said if we don't get Watermelon sour patch kids he'll personally rip our throats out." Grey looks at me before he's spots a bag and grabs it.

"How'd you find out my middle name?" I finally speak up after being silent, I honestly didn't even realize it came out.

"I asked your dad." He shrugs before walking further into the isle grabbing a bunch of candy. My dad? When the dick did he ask him?

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