28: Okay

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Pls don't hate me for this chapter


Fav it!!


Greysons pov:

Ive been ignoring Avery for two weeks. I haven't been at school. I was at a safe house, with Eli down in Vermont. Lionel made us, he knew it wasn't safe. Even if we are powerful. Somehow Elliot was one step ahead.

We're almost back in town now, I don't want to be.

I told Maddy to keep her fucking mouth shut about Eli and I. I've gotten hundred of texts and calls from Avery, and so had Eli.

I have to shut her out completely.

"Grey, I know you don't want to hear it," He pauses. Turning to look at me, "You shouldn't cut her out. I see the way you and her look at eachother."

I slam on the breaks making him slam forward, "Just shut the fuck up. Do you think I want to do this? No Eli I don't. I've never felt so consumed into one person, one girl before. I don't want to do this i'm fucking dreading it." He nods looking out the window of the passenger side as I drive.


Averys pov:

Greyson texted me back after two long weeks, he told me to come outside in five minutes. It's eight at night and I'm dressed in fuzzy duck pjs.

"Hey Greyson! Where have you been? I was so worried, I missed you." I run and hug him but he doesn't hug back simply just shrugs me off.


"I don't think I can do this with you." nine words that just ripped into my chest and ripped my heart out.

"What? What do you mean? We just started a new chapter of our story together?" I feel my eyes water and my face heat.

"I don't want it. Burn the fucking book for all I care." He pulls out a cigarette, I grab it throwing it on the ground.

"You're not going to just sit and be a complete ass and smoke your cig like a bad ass. Because trust me Greybear you're not some bad boy. You're just an asshole." I see him roll his eyes and hear his deep chuckle.

"What you gonna go cry? Fuckin hell if I knew you were this dramatic I would've never spoken to you." He scoffs, finally meeting my eyes. So dull, yet somehow so much emotion. I cant read him.

"You know, It felt like fucking MONTHS of me trying to tell myself you're a good person," I scoff meeting his eyes, "Turns out, you are just like your fucking father anyways."

I turn around, walking off, but then I pause to look at him once more.

"I'd like to see this as protecting me from whatever shit you got yourself in. But alls I see is a pussy who cant face issues." I scoff wiping a stupid tear that fell.

"Don't flatter yourself. I didn't mean anything I said. I never felt anything for you, and I was fucking Sophie the entire time we've been doing this couple shit anyways." He runs a hand through his hair clenching his jaw.

Why does he have to be so hot?

"Go. Fuck. Yourself. Greyson."  I feel more tears glide down my face but I ignore them storming inside. I feel his gaze on me but I don't look back I only slam my door and run upstairs.


"Avery, I don't know why he didn't that. He shouldn't have." Eli and Luke both comfort me. Some reason they came over the next day and knew immediately everything that happened.

Well I guess not some reason, the reasoning being jerk face aka the name I will not say.

"I can treat you better ma." Luke leans in smirking at me raising his eyebrows as I laugh for the first time today.

"The man does like you Avery." Eli sighs and Luke rolls his eyes.

"Okay." I say simply put.

"I promise he did. He's just an idiot trying to protect you when he should realize this won't help anything." Luke says throwing the tennis ball he found around in the air.

What do they even mean protect me?

"Can you guys tell me what he's protecting me from?" I sigh picking up my book, "I mean clearly you guys don't have to do what he did, if it even is to protect me?"

I don't get it why did Greyson do that to 'protect me' but Eli and Luke don't? I mean they seem to all be involved in whatever 'job' or mess they're in.

"It's different, I wish I could explain. But if Greyson found out we said anything. He would kill us." Luke lays back on my stomach and Eli rolls his eyes.

"Luke this isn't a chance to get in her pants." I feel Luke's laugh. Luke is very attractive, he's got gorgeous features.

It could be.

No. It couldn't.

"I know, I know. Sorry Aves I don't want you thinking I'm just hear for you to have sex with me. I wish I could tell you for real everything. But I agree with Eli, Greyson needs to tell you everything." He kisses my cheek and stands up, along with Eli.

"Alright well enough sappy time. Let's watch some movies!!!" They both tackle me making me laugh throwing my book down.


Shorter chapter ^ long chapter ahead ->

Tiktok: Teenwriterphase

sad girl.

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