11: "Who are you?"

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Greysons pov:

It's been a whole month and Avery hasn't woke up, not once. The doctor says she has stable vital signs and is healthy from what he can tell. But he can't predict when she will wake up.

All of this feels like it's my fault, I should've been around her watching what she was doing. Not like a stalker, but like an overprotective... friend. Nah I just sound creepy now.

I'm sitting in her room flicking her arm so maybe she'll decide to stop being stubborn and wake up. Kidding.

"Greyson you should go home and get some rest, maybe even go pick up your school work that you missed this past month." Eli has been asking me to do this everyday so far, he normally just comes to make sure I don't do anything stupid but I know he's worried about Avery too.

"Fuck off." I glare up at him, it's not like i'm insane and haven't gone home at all. But I rarely do leave.

"Fine man. I'm gonna leave and get some food you want anything?" He walks towards the door and I just shake my head. I haven't been eating as much as I should be since this, I didn't really before honestly unless it was that day with Avery when I ate 20 chicken fingers and some of hers.

Moments went by and the door opens with high pitched, annoying voices talking, and giggling about something.

"Hey Greyson." Her friend Izzy does what seems to be a seductive voice at me looking me up and down. Ew.

"Hey lil bro," Maddy walks over to me and ruffles my hair and pulls it away and cringes, "You need to wash those nasty pasta noodle strands."

She acts so much older it's by one fucking minute that she holds over me like her life depends on it.

"How's Avery?" Her one shy friend speaks up, I think her names Peyton but i'm not sure. The other one Sophie isn't here, thank god that girl is nothing but drama.

"She's stable, doc said she seemed healthy from everything he could tell. He still can't predict when she will wake up." I state in a bland tone.

"Oh Greysey, how long have you been here?" Izzy's annoying high pitched voice squeaks at me as she touches my shoulder making me rip away and roll my eyes.

"Alright, we're going to leave we just wanted to stop by again. I miss her." Maddy and Peyton both give her a hug and Maddy kisses her cheek. They all wave by to me and I nod.

I hold Averys hand as minutes pass by and still no signs of her waking up. She looks so calm and at peace laying there.

"You're so cute. I bet you're gonna hate me when you wake up." I pause feeling a rush of an unknown feeling come to me mixed with guilt. "Cmon Avery wake up we haven't finished our story yet." I squeeze her hand and lay my head down.

Averys pov:

I've been up for about 10 minutes. Debating if i'm rude enough to act like I don't remember who Greyson is. I think it's worth it for how he's been treating me.

"Hello?" I squeeze Greysons hand in an im sorry for this way.

"Avery?" He peaks his head up and I catch his appearance. His eyes hang low and he has more obvious eye bags then normally. His hair looks messier than usual, with a slick greasiness pushed all over the place look, and his body seems more limp and fragile.

"Who are you?" I say in a soft tone looking at him like he's crazy.

"Avery? What do you mean. It's Greyson." He picks himself up and stands but immediately sits back down. Poor thing.

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