14: "Oh shit"

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Hi guys.. Thought you'd love a pov of what Grey does on his free time👀


Greysons pov:

I wake up with a pounding headache from the night before, taking the Tylenol off my bed stand drinking water hoping it goes away soon. I drank more than I intended too last night. I needed to get my mind off of the night with Avery.

I shouldn't even consider this morning considering it's 3 pm and i'm waking up to the annoying fucking sound of my ringtone.

Lionel is calling..

I huff picking it up and quickly answering knowing i'll probably get shot in my arm if I don't answer. No i'm serious.

"Yes Lionel?" I sit up quickly and feel the rush of dizziness hit me.

"Hey kid. Sorry to do this to you, short notice. Downtown, middle aged man. Holding in his garage in ur area with fentanyl, heroin, hydrocodone, and methadone. He's been making millions per year, surpassing us by a million. I want him out of the game. Do it boy, don't forget I can ruin your life in minutes.  Mounts of money on the line for this task. I will text you images, and information on everything now. This is to be done by next Friday." He pauses having his breaths hitch a bit, "Don't disappoint us again Scarface." He sighs ending the call and I soon hear a ding after.

I've been in this "business" since I was fourteen. When my dad would be around all the time drinking non-stop and abusing. He acts all good to me in-front of people, behind doors is a different story.

Some people say "at least you have a dad" but to me that means nothing but shit. Sometimes it's worse to actually have one. But for me, I have a father. Not a dad.

Lionel calls me "scarface" because of the scar my dad left on my right cheek 2 years ago, he threw his beer bottle at me. Moral of the story had to get stitches and Lionel keeps calling me it to this day. I think he also calls me it due to the infamous mafia man, Al Capones nickname.

I hate this business but also love it. It's my escape from reality, some people read, write, or hangout with friends but I kill people. You could say i'm unique or some bullshit like that.

What Lionel means by "don't disappoint us again" is that i've had one near death experience well, actually two. On the mission last year around April I had a job I needed to fly to NYC for. I was going against one of the most dangerous, rich southern mafia man for his prized possession; the perfect pink diamond.

Elliot. My mortal enemy. Seriously not saying that shit to sound dramatic. This man is the worst man to ever be born. No wonder his parents jumped of buildings killing themselves after he was born. Well was my enemy I should say.

This day I was paired with Luke and Damon. Yes Luke is in this too, actually so is Eli. I know surprising, fucking Eli. But he's actually the most street smart person you could ever meet.

Eli had to hack into every system of cameras, lights, and his locked door system to turn them off. Luke and I had to come down off our jet, we were anxious that entire ride. We were armed obviously, I had two guns on my waist holster and one latched to my shoe. Luke was also armed but with only 2 guns one in his holster and the other on his shoe.

Luke and I were on the roof following the layout of the building to try and find the easiest way to get in. The night was rainy, quite rainy the lightening landed at a near spot causing Luke to jump out of fright and almost fall off the tall building. Quickly after I grabbed him we heard three men laugh deeply and then appeared Elliot.


"Oh shit." I hear Luke say rebalancing himself, causing me to quickly turn around and roll my eyes.

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