Chapter 32: The three of them together in one place.

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Chapter 32: The three of them together in one place.

To where we left off, Analissa has recently received a wonderful blue dress from the villainess herself. She twirls it around, the flowy end of the dress dances with her and she couldn't help but look at her reflection in the mirror smiling feeling happy that Lady Evelyn got her something so lovely.


Lady Evelyn Alarie, the Villainess of the otome game to which she transmigrated to as the heroine of the game determined to save her from her coded death.

Analissa stares at herself feeling that the beautiful dress heightens the Heroine's halo so she needed to do something to lower it down. "Hmm..."

"I... actually don't know if this will hide the heroine halo but-"

Analissa who was looking in a mirror decided to wear a hat for a disguise that she found somewhere lying around, hoping to hide her face. A thick jacket covering the dress and some pants underneath.

Her mission was to make sure she looks ugly as hell, unbalanced clothing style makes people uncomfortable and that was her goal!

She talked to herself as the maid waited for her to finish finalizing her clothes. "Liara! Can you take a look at the new changes I've made?"

The heroine calls out to her new found friend, Liara Fischer the eldest of the three sisters who volunteered herself on tasking caring for the heroine. The three were loyal and humble servants of the villainess.

"Yes, Miss Blanchet-" Liara Fischer covers her mouth holding her chest in agony seeing the blonde girl go through all this trouble wearing the beautiful blue dress- and then adding some other unnecessary things.

"I-I beg your pardon... You still look beautiful but your clothes are- forgive me for saying this... horrid, miss." (Liara) bows her head in apology but Analissa waves it off with a shrug- she even looked rather happy hearing that she looked horrendous in that clothing.

"That's what I'm actually going for!" She exclaims happily taking another look at her reflection in the mirror giggling.

"You said it was horrid so I'll be going out like this in hopes that men coded to love me will leave me alone!" (Analissa) raises her hand happily and Liara sighs not understanding what was going on inside her guest's mind.

"Miss Analissa, do you want for men to leave you alone?" (Liara) tilts her head becoming curious. "My honest opinion, Miss Blanchet. I believe even if you wore dirty rags in the streets many men would still take interest in you."

The maid tells her opinions on the matter making Analissa feel like a fool.

She was right.

No matter how much she dirtied her clothes and even made it uneasy to the eyes. The men in this world would still fall for her charming, attractive, and adorable physique.

The well rumored sought out girl didn't desire to have a man beside her life.

"Most girls by your age would already plan on marriage and arrangements for weddings. I've heard of your feats in the staff room fufu... I know many male students have already asked for your hand in marriage." she continues, the tone of her voice was rather happy talking about marriage.

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