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No matter how many band aids
you put on.
Or how many bandages you have to wrap around your body, so it doesn't overflow.
~E, your heart will still bleed through.

I am a very emotional person.
I will cry in movie theaters and at home.
Since the scene on the screen hit a little to hard.
I will cry at books for the feelings they made me feel.
The way they blend the words into the page and create their masterpiece.
I will cry at TV shows, when the mourning clicks on me to.
But I will not cry in front of another person.
I hate it.
I feel weak and
But I can't stop the tears from flowing.
~E, crying.

Head Space.
welcome to my head space.
where things get awfully too loud.
the mind races for no apparent reason.
thinking of every possibility of an action except the right one.
after all that maybe the mind would finally get a rest.
but the cycle repeats itself again.
~E, head space & overthinking.

I will be okay.
I always manage to be.
~E, even if I'm not.

we all start somewhere
and end up somewhere different every time.
but i was hoping we'd end up in the same place. at the same time.
so, i could have the possibility of thinking we'd continue together.
only to be pushed farther apart later.
~E, redirection.

As you can see I have a very inconstant posting schedule. This is for fun and so I can see how I approve over time. My writing style is all over the place so bear with me.

sunsets after dark. | poetry collectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora