126. - 130.

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Don't get close to a poet.
You'll turn into poetry.

My dad likes to make empty promises.
"I promise we'll go this weekend."
"We'll go later this week."
"It won't happen again. I promise."
Promise after promise. Lie after lie.
Even when I know he's lying. I can't help but believe him anyway.
~E, sweet nothings.

We don't quit.
We get up back up again and again.
Even after we fall for the thousandth time.

I've laid my heart on a platter for you.
To dine on it for being soft and vulnerable from the very beginning.
You pushed it away. Just as you pushed me away.
~E, being left behind.

The heart stops hoping after a while.
But mine.
I still was hoping for you to come back.

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