257. - 260.

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I have given up more since you.
Finding someone new and giving up as soon as something goes out of the norm.
Is something I didn't do until you.
~E, lost effort.

I have no much anger for you now.
For the things I was told.
For the things I was shown.
Then the result of those actions.
Sometimes I thought if I had just tried a little harder.
If you had let me help you.
Then we wouldn't be where we are now.
~E, anger.

I am not proud of the things I've said to get over you.
From observing how you are now compared to how you used to be when we were still bound by the hip.
I knew if you had chosen me instead of him that your life wouldn't have plummeted like it did.
It's the only way I've been able to cope.
~E, coping.

I'm tired of being told I'm hard to love because I love too much.
~E, too much.

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