81. - 85.

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I was not fed with a silver spoon.
Or whispered sweet nothings into my ear.
I was the one flower petal that fell first from an beautiful bouquet.
Or stardust.
That's all I was.
~E, left over from something that was once beautiful.

I will need a lifetime to forget you.
To forget the way I was swept away by your words.
They danced across my skin. Creating paths that end up as constellations across my skin.
To forget the way you made me feel.
The butterflies in my stomach have now fallen asleep and have not been woken up.
They long for something, someone new but my heart does not allow me to forget you.
Not in this lifetime or the next.
~E, give me time.

Am I really changing for the better,
or am I just changing so everything I do doesn't remind me of you?

If it hurts,
I'll stop.
But how are you supposed to stop when you don't know how?

I can't let you go
when I still think we can fix this.
~E, no going back.

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