16. - 20.

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I never thought I'd have to
talk about you in past tense.
I thought you'd never leave.
~E, proved me wrong.

Mind, Heart, & Soul.
Take my mind. Put it to sleep.
To tune out the noise. Everything that needs to be.
Quiet the thoughts. They are no longer in race cars. The cars are out of gas.
Take my heart. Put it to rest.
It cannot bear this anymore.
Quiet the sound of my heart. As every possibility comes to mind except the right one. It comes to my heart first. Asking it what to do next.
Take my soul. Put it at peace.
They deserve it.
They have already been damaged enough.
They take the blows first before the heart and the mind.
It needs rest. More then that. It deserves a peace of mind. That I'm scared that I don't have.
~E, my mind, heart, and soul.

No I will not text him again.
Then it'll be harder to say goodbye.
For the final time.
~E, refusing.

Spring Cleaning.
Open the blinds, new air needs to be circulated throughout the house.
Clean the windows, you need to see yourself the way I see you.
Clean the floor, you need a clearer path. There's still more for you to experience.
Dust the ceiling fan. There's still more to do.
Get rid of things you do not need in your life, even people.
Fold the blankets, there's warmth even when it's cold.
Wash the clothes, hang 'em out to dry. Even they need fresh air. Needs to be cleaned.
Take a break, you deserve it.
~E, cleaning out my body.

"Do you want to die?"
Someone asked me.
I answered "No."
"Then act like you want to live."
I couldn't give them an answer after that.
~E, ...

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